NSV + Caroline Girvan + realistic, slow and steady changes


New member
A number of you suggested I try Caroline Girvan some months ago and I finally made it through the FUEL program today. I'm 5'1", 41, and starting weight like 133. My main concern wasn't weight, but just not having the muscle strength I once had. I lost a lot of muscle during COVID and was way stronger when I had my son in 2020 than I was when I posted on this Reddit.

It took me several months of doing her workouts 1, 2, 3, and, let's be honest, sometimes 0 times per week. I have a 7- and 2-year-old, a sedentary but time-intensive job, and over the past few months we've all gotten COVID (for the first time) which sucked and also lived through innumerable little kid illnesses (pinkeye, weird fungal infection, mystery rashes... the list goes on). Plus extended family health stuff. March was a wash.

All of this is to say that in doing CG workouts with commitment (but not an impossible-to-keep schedule), I've lost about 5ish pounds. But since March 1--when I first started measurements--I've lost an inch from my hips, 2.5" from around my belly button, half an inch from each thigh, and an inch from my c-section "shelf"/pooch (c-section moms you know what I am talking about). I also walk around 10k steps a day, try to do some other kind of cardio when I can (like hike-walking in the woods, or some random online video), and do yoga 1-2x a week. Also, there is no way in hell I can lift what she lifts. But I've increased what I can lift, and now I'm doing like 15 lbs for legs and 12-15 lbs for upper body.

NSV: I FEEL stronger. Last weekend I worked in the garden and was able to dig deep holes, lug around heavy packs of soil, both of which were EASY. This time last year I really would have struggled with that, especially the digging part. I would have asked my husband to do it. Being able to do this myself felt so great! It's also easier for me to pick up and haul my son around, who weighs over 30 lbs.

In terms of nutrition--I don't drink much alcohol, don't eat meat or chicken, and try to eat veggies, then protein, then carbs at my meals. (This is from the Glucose Goddess person on Instagram.) I find that that order really helps me to be mindful about getting more veggies in, and also reminds me to have more "whole" meals--like nutritiously whole. I also am eating larger meals and consequently snacking less. I used to have toast only for breakfast and then eat loads of popcorn at 11 a.m. because I was dying from hunger. Same thing would happen at 4 p.m. when my kids got home. Which felt terrible. I don't track calories, tried to but it makes me crazy. I would guess I eat like 1700-2000 calories a day?

I am continually inspired by people who post their journeys on here. I'm sharing this because I'm proud of myself, and also, to say that it IS possible to get stronger and fitter if you're consistent over time. Weeks might go by where you can't meet your goals, where you are so far from what you planned it's almost funny. AND. If you keep going most of the time, your efforts will pay off.
@natenh re: mysterious kid illnesses--this is THE WORST. I can relate with my 3 and 5 year olds. Because every single time I get one from them, I feel like I'm starting from zero again after I stop working out and then start again after I'm feeling better. So impressive that you kept at it and it sounds like you're seeing some pretty great results! I started CG's Iron program a few weeks ago and am hoping for mostly NSVs as I work through the program--super encouraging. Thanks for following up!
@sun21tb Thank you! I totally relate to this, it feels as if starting from zero EVERY time. And yet- it isn't. It really blew my mind that I'd made these gains because when I say that March was a wash, I mean it. I try not to have an all or nothing mentality but it isn't easy. I'm going to check out Iron and Epic and see which to do next. Good luck to you with the program!
@natenh This is exactly what I needed to see today! Well done, it’s not easy to be consistent at the best of times and certainly not with 2 kids!
@natenh This is quite inspiring! I also have 2 kids and totally relate with getting sick randomly ALLLLL THE TIMEEEE. It’s exhausting so good on you for getting through that and making some gains! Also glad to hear you lost some of the c-section pooch, that’s a real problem area for me. I should really check out CG’s programs.
@tallulah They're the worst, aren't they?

I've been trying to make peace with or at least feel neutrally about coexisting with the c-section pooch, and I was really surprised that it got smaller. I think that the pooch will always be there, but it was sort of mind-blowing that it, too, could shrink. And I was so intimidated to do her programs, but really, really glad I started. I was using about 8 lb dumbbells at the beginning and have doubled that by the end. I also really appreciate that there is no body talk in them, nothing about getting smaller or whatever other ridiculousness that is still too common.