Observations - Newbie Mostly Plant-Based


New member
I recently got inspired to delve into plant-based nutrition after my department announced a plant-based lunch at work. I have been eating mostly plant-based for a few weeks. I'm 57 y/o and do both weights and long-distance running (currently alternate and typically exercise 6 to 8 days on, 1 day off). Observations so far (not sure whether some of these are wishful thinking based on things I've heard on podcasts, videos, etc. but....):
  1. I feel great!
  2. My workout recoveries are faster.
  3. I feel calmer.
  4. I'm not as sweaty when not exercising. I have always had issues with excessive sweating, and these seem reduced.
  5. My RHR has dropped a little (it was already good for my age... low 50's, but lately more like 49-50).
  6. My HRV has increased a little (this is a metric I didn't even know about until I bought my latest Garmin watch).
  7. Cooking plant-based is fun!
@congestus100 Re #7 - people always say being vegan is "limiting" because there's "so much you can't eat."

There's so many things I've cooked with since going vegan that I had never tried before. Even after being vegan almost a decade, there's still new foods and innovative ways to use ingredients that are new and exciting. So much more interesting to cook than the chunk of dead flesh with a side way of eating.
@dobyzheee Yes, I am learning to be creative. My wife is not plant-based, and I do almost all cooking and grocery shopping. So I'm learning how to cook meals with a plant-based core and animal products on the side. For example, yesterday I made red beans and rice (we have a lot of Louisiana influence on our family and cooking). I cooked the beans in vegetable broth and lots of seasonings with no meat. On the side I had turkey sausage and plant-based brats from Whole Foods (these were mediocre, honestly, I should have just heavily seasoned some tempeh or super firm tofu). Worked great!
@congestus100 this is all great, thank you for posting. I hope you continue to feel and eat better! The Game Changers on Netflix by James Cameron was something that came mind and worth watching if you havnt seen it already.
@congestus100 I’m 47 and have been plant based for four years now, vegetarian for longer. My energy levels and recovery rate have been phenomenal. I train BJJ and guys are shocked when I tell them how old I am. PBD is the fountain of youth.
@congestus100 Aside from feeling more easy in my conscience, the one thing I've noticed is that my muscles seem to recover more quickly from resistance training and I experience minimal DOMS. I do a PPL split and typically go to failure on every exercise. By the time the third day rolls around, I'm usually no longer sore, so I don't need many rest days. I really only take rest days for my connective tissues, because the muscles don't seem to need them.