Opinion on my diet


New member
Hello everyone,

I hope you are fine.

I started bodybuilding (24 M / 1m 75cm / 68 kg). I want to bulk. Can you tell me please what you think about my nutrition plan please?

  • 100 g peanut butter
  • 1 Banana
  • 2 yogurt Activia
  • ·Salad: 300 g potato + 100 g carrots
  • 3 eggs (omelettes)
  • 220 g turkey + 2 bread (shawarma bread)
  • 24 g whey protein
  • Salad made of: 200 g pasta + 100 g potato + 100 g carrots + 80 g tuna
  • 2 activia
Thank you in advance
@lcnd You're ticking all the boxes, 4 servings of protein, protein target, calorie target.

You can literally eat whatever you want, all you need to do is hit calories and protein. Nothing else is going to make any real difference.
@dragonfruit10 "You can eat literally whatever you want".

Yeah, you can do that if your one and only goal is to bulk. But if you care about health, that's not true.

And also, even if you eat your protein level, your other macros can make a huge difference in whether you add more unnecessary fat or not. Even the quality of your fats and carbs absolutely matter in a million ways.
@rose112165 As long as you're getting some micronutrients from veggies and aren't going extremely low in any fats or carbs, it largely won't matter even in a cut.

Eating clean from fresh food or mostly processed food and ice cream won't matter as long as you avoid extremes. Obviously avoiding high sugar long term is probably more healthy.
@lcnd I was commenting to the redditor above me, I wasn't saying you didn't eat quality food. But now that I'm looking at your diet, for me personally, I would not eat bread, or activia which is filled with sugar.

I'd replace Activia with organic plain yogurt and add blueberries. I don't touch bread. Will it give you the carbs you think you need? Sure. But I would replace that with sweet potato.

But for your bodybuilding purposes i guess it will do. Your goal is to get big, not maximize health it seems, which is fine.

But I wasn't talking about you specifically.