Opinions on StrongerU


New member
I am looking for some hopefully positive feedback (but I welcome all feedback) on StrongerU or any other personal trainer/nutritionist program. I’m 33 and still haven’t figured out how to eat and exercise right and am therefore stuck in a cycle of laziness/tiredness/eating poorly and can’t get out of it. I’m not obese but I’m heavier than I want to be (220 when I want to be about 190) and my cardio is in poor shape as is my a1c (pre-diabetic).

I just have the personality type that I need someone to tell me what to eat, how to eat, when to eat, etc. Too often I end up at a fast food place because I couldn’t think of anything else and then making a bad decision because “I’ll start eating better tomorrow.”

The feedback on StrongerU in the Orange Theory world seems to be strong but wanted to see what you guys thought. I don’t do OTF but I do go to the Y to cycle and sometimes lift. I don’t care if it’s expensive at this point in my life - I want to feel better physically and not punish my health any further.

@fauna Group classes really helped me. Birds of a feather and all that. I really enjoy weight lifting and power lifting, so I found a box that has group classes that do that. If you get into the habit, it won’t be long before it changes your thinking. I don’t know about strongerU...but I’m at a point where I prefer to do my own programming for my goals. But, I started with group classes. They are tons of fun
@fauna If spending the money on a personal trainer is the push you need then go for it. Only do this if you have the disposable income available.

For myself I was never able to afford the expense. I ended up running right at the problem. Learning about nutrition and exercise was a starting point. Far more important was tackling the mental aspect.

Would I rather have a cheeseburger & fries instead of chicken and vegetables? Sure.

Would I rather sleep in an hour instead of getting up to exercise? Absolutely.

Being unwilling to step out of my comfort zone meant I would remain an obese out of shape person. Once I understood that was the thing that was keeping me down I was able to begin to change. Dealing with some temporary discomfort was the cost for change. Even if you spend hundreds of dollars on a personal trainer you still have to be willing to be uncomfortable.
@fauna It sounds like you and I are a lot alike. I started my journey at 28 but from more or less the same point it sounds like you are at and here is the abridged version of how I won the mental challenge.

All of the things stopping you are in your head. You know how to eat right or at least know how use a computer or book to learn how to eat right. The simple matter is that it’s a game of energy in Vs energy out. If you eat more calories than you expend you will gain weight, the opposite is also true. Once you get started do some more thinking on specific dietary needs but for now don’t consume more calories than you expend.

You know how to exercise. Walk, run, lift weights, do yoga.... whatever you can start today.

Pace yourself, it’s a long road.... like for the rest of your life. It gets better over time but the change is imperceptible until you’ve been going for a couple months.

There are no short cuts. Any program or system works but they are only as good as the effort you put into it. You might want a system to have some structure but you don’t need one, just eat right and exercise and you will improve.

No one else matters. This is about you and you are the only person that you are competing with. Just try to be better than you were yesterday, or at least as good.

This is all on you. You can choose to be better or choose to not. At the end of the day it’s all up to you. If you succeed it’s because of you. If you fail it’s because of you. Choose to succeed and you will.

Everything I am saying is coming from a good place. I hope I don’t sound like a dick, I’m hope this helps. All of this is simple, but it’s not easy.
@fauna At some point if you want to be in control you are going to have to learn about nutrition to make your own informed decisions. Sure someone can tell you what to do to get out of the gate, but if you want to be good at something you have to learn about it, and food isn't different.
@fauna It is almost certainly a waste of money. But it's your money so waste all you want.

But, at 33, do you not feel it's past time for you to learn to eat like an adult? I mean without paying $150/month for someone to tell you not to eat Whataburger on a daily basis.
@fauna Late to the party.... I have aways been active, ate healthy, and worked out but needed something to help get me over the hump. Stronger U worked for me.

I looked at this problem like any other one I may have. I can Google and YouTube simple fixes for plumbing, electrical or fridge problems, but there comes a point where my DIY skills arent going to fix the problem.

The accountibilty and the community are a large part of my success.

I'm a 6'1, 51 year old guy who started in June @ 190 pounds. In October I started maintenance @ 161 and have since transitioned to a slow bulk. Shooting for 1.5-2# per month.

I did 6 months with SU and trying the bulk on my own. So far so good and for me this was a good investment.