Overwhelmed by amount of workout choice


New member
I'm about to start bulking, and as the title says, feel completely paralysed by the choice of workouts! Can anyone advise?

A little background on me I figure might help. I'm 34, male, and pretty small - I weigh 63kg and am currently very lean having just finished cutting. I've been doing various workouts on and off for about 5 years and so am familiar with most basic weight exercises. I tried a bulk in 2019 but it didn't go too well, used a PT and don't think his workouts were great, and I didn't understand enough about macros. I've leaned up again over the last 6 months, and now want to start bulking again but doing it all myself and educating myself.

I'm comfortable I know what to do with my nutrition now, so started research workouts and am just overwhelmed by all the choice! I figured I'd move past the very most basic routines since I'm familiar with all the basic exercises, so had 'shortlisted' my choices to:
  • Average to Savage 2.0
  • One of the Wendler 531 routines (perhaps Beginners or Boring but Big?)
  • nSuns LP
  • Westside For Skinny Bastards
I've no idea which to pick though. Can anyone advise me?
@wolflarsen Of the ones you've listed, Average to Savage 2.0 is probably the best in my opinion. I can go into details as to why if you like, but if I were you I'd choose average to savage.