Parallettes like GMB p-barz?


New member
I'm from Sweden and I can't seem to find any low, wide parallettes like the ones GMB recommend

I've found like one single page with something similar (;001;248-G), but those bars aren't that long though, so doing GMB exercises where you sort of twist around and grip just one parallette with both hands might be hard.

Has anybody found anything worthwhile to order somewhere in europe? Ordering the p-barz costs about as much in shipment as the actual bars.
@maymcflurry There's these, but they're seriously not cheap... 💷💷💷

Their ergonomic hold length of 55 cm enables you to perform two-armed exercises on just one parallette - which makes skillworx Parallettes perfectly suitable for GMB (Gold Medal Bodies) P1 and P2 programs, as well as various other training programs which are available on the market.
@maymcflurry I bought mine on a suppermarket for 6 dollar. Thats a more suited price for what you buy. Companies are just riding the fitness century wave so don't get fooled and pay 2-10 times the price of what you acctually get [sup][sup].[/sup][/sup] With some tools you maybe can buy and work some aluminum into something. Dunno but I wouldn't feed the companies.
Yeah making your own is an idea... always the obstacle of not having tools etc though. Those amazon ones aren't cheap, but still cheaper than paying for shipment from the US. Although getting expensive ones is probably better than getting none at all, if it serves as an important tool to achieve a number of calisthenic goals over the years.

Thanks for the input everyone.