[27M] I tried GMB's Parallettes One Program. Here is my experience, results, and review

@lorpro Do you use other GMB program before use p1? Do you use the other program for starting?

Before everything: This is my experience, so a personal view of their basic program, I do not say what I'm going to say to put GMB in a bad spot or everything else, they are very kind and open to dialogue, through email and I like 3 programs out of 4, with one of them I had less result but maybe is a personal fact.

I'm asking because I had use Elements with low success and I did not feel improved at all (that was before they rework the program and maybe I need to give a shot at it) I liked the movement training because it was fun, but not much more. I was coming back to training after a period of stop, due to university and stress problem, I have done powertlifting ( with some dips, pullup, and skill work like l-sit for fun) and yoga for almost 3 years then I stopped for one, so Elements was a way to return to training. I counted calories (2300) I was 82 kg at the moment.

I liked more focus flexiblity and vitamin and I find my self really improved in terms of flexibility and the movements of vitamin.

What I find myself not use at all was integral strenght and I tried to do what they ask but on the third week, I find my self not improved, (maybe that was my fault but exercise with quality of rep for a time is not my kind of program as I discovered, in particular with classic movement like push up, pull up etc, that was my first time doing that type of program).

If someone else have some feedback I would like to ear from them, because at the moment I think that is my fault if I did not improve with their program, that come from the fact that I see only their story of success and maybe it is my fault after all.

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