Period cravings: I just ate 4 chocolate bars and I’m ok with it

@lacker3 I honestly believe it is all about balance. I’m not endorsing over eating, been there done that consistently and that also wasn’t conducive to my goals- but being overly restrictive always came back to bite my so moderation and listening to my body has brought me a way better relationship with food 🥰
@marks1mpson I started my period yesterday and wanted to cry when I saw the scale go up by 2lbs this morning, even though I know very well it’s just bloat/water weight. I just indulged in some chocolate myself after seeing this 😅 thank you for the reminder to be kind to ourselves!
@marks1mpson That’s cool and super normal. But also, if I’m craving more for chocolate during the period, I also try to increase my iron intake (like with beetroot or red meat)
and if I crave more salty chips, I try to increase my sodium intake. It helps to add a bit more energy.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to get you to put down that chocolate bar ( I won’t for sure, lmao) but remember to fill in the nutrients that your body is craving in.

Enjoy your snacks! I gotta go to, um, check my pantry for a bit.
@marks1mpson I just finished my period and ate all kinds of treats over the weekend. Chocolate cake, pasta, pizza, champagne, creme brûlée….

The scale is the same as this time last week! I really expected it to go up and was okay with it, but I was mindful with other meals when I wasn’t indulging and was semi active.

Definitely was a good reminder Im capable of balance and can allow myself the foods I want, when I want them.
@marks1mpson I feel this and don’t even have period cravings to blame - I’ve just been stupid busy and drowning in work. I’ve been craving tim tams (if you don’t know what these are then sorry for you friend ❤️). Not just one or two but a whole pack. I left it for a day to see if the craving would go but it hasn’t - so I’m indulging. And I feel zero shame because I’ve been eating perfectly for so long. This will be my one big binge for a while so I’m going to enjoy the fk out of every one of these Murray river salted caramel tim tams.
@marks1mpson Was just feeling so bad about the 4 scoops of ben & jerry ice cream followed with random snacks i just had. I feel like the days leading up to my period, no matter how much I eat, I’m just never nourished. It’s like a well in my stomach 🥴

Im gonna continue making progress and I’m gonna still go through this every month, and thats okay!