Please could you provide your thoughts on my 3 day ULF weightlifting & kettlebell program?


New member
I workout 3x per week and follow a ULF (Upper, Lower, Full Body) program format. I also do Yoga in a class 1x a week and 1-2x a week for 20-30mins following a YouTube Yoga Instructor.

I'm 28yrs old and have worked out since aged 16. I've run a strength program, similar to the one set out below, but it didn't include any functional movements or HITT style cardio working at a higher heart-rate.

In the past 1-2yrs I've moved slightly away from the pure weightlifting strength program, although kept the foundations for my workouts, but incorporated more kettlebell complex movements. My aim is to build strength/power, an aesthetically good body which is functional/flexible and with reasonably good cardio. Changing from just the pure weightlifting strength program to the program below means I have lost some size, but I am certainly fitter and more flexible and dynamic than before.

I've just downloaded the Power Athlete - Grindstone program, but changing my program which I feel works well for my needs and aims makes me slightly nervous.

I'd really appreciate users thoughts and honest comments on my 3 day program. What do you think? What would you change and why? Is anything being neglected or overdone/overworked?

Upper Body

Weightlifting Section

- Bench/Dumbbell Press 4x6

- Bent Over Rows 4x6

- Shoulder Press 4x6

- Weighted Pull Ups 4x6

Kettlebell / Functional Section - 3-4 rounds (30sec work / 20-30sec rest)

- Kettlebell Bicep Curl

- Kettlebell Skullcrusher / Weighted Dips (on bench)

- Battle ropes / Kettlebell Clean & Press / Kettlebell Devil Press

- Press Ups

- Kettlebell Bent Over Single Arm Rows / TRX Rows

- Ab Exercise

Lower Body

Weightlifting Section

- Squats (Heavy) 4x6

- Hamstring Curls 4x8

- Leg Extension (Heavy) 4x6

Kettlebell / Functional Section - 3-4 rounds (30sec work / 20-30sec rest)

- Kettlebell Swing

- Kettlebell Straight-legged Deadlift

- Kettlebell Goblet Squat

- Kettlebell One Legged Deadlift / Banded One Leg Kickback

Full Body

- I'll follow a DanielPT Fitness Kettlebell Workout on YouTube (e.g.
@wijavo Most beginner to intermediate people will do better on a three day full body program than a split.

I’m not sure I understand the purpose of some of your KB movements. If your goal is metabolic adaptation, there are better exercises than bicep curls and skullcrushers. If your goal is hypertrophy, there are better ways of programming curls and skullcrushers.

I would look at Tactical Barbell. It does exactly what you’re looking to do.