I am no where near touching my toes. Horrible flexibility. Please help

@arc90901 Not flexible at all and especially tight from ten years of bodybuilding. A combination of Ashtanga yoga twice a week combined with general stretching 5-7 times per week earned me the splits but I still cannot do them cold. I was able to do the splits as a kid but the last time I attempted them was 20 years ago.
@arc90901 See a competent massage therapist. They work wonders ! Eat more raw veggies and fruits, it has an impact on flexibility for sure. Hold less tension in your mind and body - all equates to static immobility.

Work with a massage therapist and see what happens !

Good luck
@arc90901 Without actually seeing your whole body, it's difficult for any of us to give any meaningful pointers here. Everybody faces their own unique issues when it comes to flexibility and mobility - there's no "one fit" answer or set of tips. All we can see here is that yup, you have trouble reaching your toes. But we can't really see why.

I think what you really need, what will give the best results for you specifically, is to go to a personal trainer of some sort and spend a bit of money to help them identify the issues that are stopping you. Let them lay out a plan to address whatever your issues are (posture, tightness etc).

I know that's not the sort of answer you were looking for - you want something you can do without another person seeing you struggle and to not have the pressure of feeling as if you're being judged. And of course, advice on the internet is free, which is why so many people look for it :)

But there's one thing we can all agree on - whatever routine you do, it has do be done on a regular basis. For flexibility (as somebody has pointed out) ideally you want to be doing it every day - and you need to be willing to wait a few months to get results. But you can do it. Don't loose faith in yourself!
@arc90901 To piggy back on the advice of people telling you to start yoga: get some yoga blocks. They'll help you plant your hands for extra stability in some poses. As you get more flexible you'll be able to plant them on the floor.