I am no where near touching my toes. Horrible flexibility. Please help

@marcus94 I'm trying to get into Yoga but I'm sketched out that I'm not doing it right. Should I be less concerned with that at first and more just on "feeling it"?
@gopack4 Look up “30 day yoga challenge” on google. There are a couple different ones but all are geared towards teaching the basics and essentials. Your question will probably be answered immediately
@gopack4 (I am a yoga teacher) I feel like anyone who is new to it goes through that phase where you don’t know what you’re doing — you don’t know the pose names, not sure if you’re doing it right, etc. Don’t worry about it! It’s normal and you’ll get through it. Yes, it’s more about “feeling it”.

The number one thing is that you should never feel pain. Working hard, or some discomfort, that’s ok. But if you feel pain, stop/modify the pose. If you have specific questions, I’m sure teachers at your local studio will answer them, or head on over to r/yoga :)
@marcus94 One issue I have with just about all the yoga I've found is that it seems very unfocused and without much of a sense of progression. It reminds me of the people who use the gym by just walking around and using random machines until they feel like they've had a workout. I've yet to find a yoga routine as focused and goal orientated as a good exercise routine.
@arc90901 Learn to actually tilt your hips becuz right now you’re slouching back and tucking your hips under which will make it impossible regardless of how flexible you get.
@arc90901 I'm a 24 y/o female and I couldn't touch my toes either, but started stretching every.single.time I went to the gym or was doing a workout (which varied between 2-6 times a week). I would spend at least 15 minutes stretching, making sure I held every one for at least 30 seconds, but up to one minute most of the time. I was probably a little closer than you were but I can now wrap my hands around the soles of my feet fairly easily and that probably took about a month to six weeks of stretching.

The main stretch that seemed to help is this one https://goo.gl/images/Y7oGDz. I would recommend simply holding your leg as far down as you can. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, then see if you can push yourself a little bit further (not to the point where it's hurting) if you do this at least 3 times a week you'll definitely start seeing improvements, but if you spend a couple of minutes doing it on the floor when watching TV each night, this will help you achieve it faster

Note, if you warm up with a light jog before or something that gets you slightly sweaty, you're muscles will also be warmed up and you'll have greater flexibility. If you're "cold" then they're not going to be as "stretchy". The best way to think of your muscles is as a red skin, if they're warm they're going to be stretchy.

I find that stretching is one of my favourite parts of whenever I do a workout because it doesn't hurt or take effort and you shouldn't see it as a chore or something that's annoying to do. Stretching everyday is extremely important for flexibility and it feels good!

If you want extra stretches, I would look up ones for your hamstring because this is the muscle that needs to be worked to be able to touch your toes.
@arc90901 stretch after a moderate to high intensity workout, and do so consistently. (before too I guess but you'll be surprised how much more flexible you are after your muscles are warmed up)
@arc90901 It’s easier to do from standing, which allows you to rotate your hips and bend your knees to compensate for tight hamstrings. Start there and once you are used to the feeling of where your hips should be, try it again on the floor.
@arc90901 Neither can I. I did three months of Stretch appts (twice a week) and that barely helped. Sigh.

Edit- not sure why this is downvoted. I went to stretch appts to help with my flexibility.
Maybe the sigh was too /s
@dejtemplet I posted this above too but it might help you.

I stopped stretching for a couple years and came back to “barely reaching my knees”.

What worked for me (every single day):
Feet shoulder-width apart (or any otherwise stable degree of separation). Then bend forward and reach as far as painlessly possible. You should feel a stretch, no pain.

Then, in this position, let the head “hang”, and slowly put hands over head (trying to keep hands and arms as relaxed as possible), letting the column stretch and decompressing the neck (I usually hear a “pop” from my neck at this point as vertebrae align).

Then once more reach as far as painlessly possible, then slowly roll back up.

Everything should be painless STOP IF YOU FEEL PAIN

Edit: at some point I was able to touch the floor, when that point came I started bringing my legs closer so now I can touch the floor with my legs together AND touch my forehead to my knees. I’m a bit overweight but I’m proud of being able to do this.
@dejtemplet It is! It’s part of my sleep/wake up routine, sometimes I do actual yoga, but when I’m too lazy for it I do just this.

I also sit on my knees and lean back until I feel a stretch on the hips/abs trying to keep lower back straight —this one I forget often but it helps with my sciatica pain and improper hip posture.