Post-Corona building back up - sanity check... (long-ish backstory)


New member
Hello comrades,

hopefully a quick sanity check is alright here. I believe I had messed up my shoulder when progressing to 24 KG too fast, then had to move house and was down with corona, so a good three weeks "off", which recovered my shoulder. A couple of bags of compost for the garden (50 liter bags or so) and my issue came back. Not sure whether it is rotator cuff or not, it's "inside" the shoulder but more where the shoulder goes over into the upper arm, below the deltoid (?). Anyway - before corona I had built up to 24 KG TGU, 32 KG TH Swing, 24 KG OH Swing and a good amount of C&P with the 24 KG (a couple of "The GIANT 1.0" sessions). I think I messed my shoulder with those C&Ps as I didn't "own" the weight and maybe was overtaxing the shoulder.

After corona, my strength had significantly diminished (seems to be a "known issue" with the virus) and I couldn't press 24 for reps anymore, so I did a round of RoP with 16 KG with added pull-ups (BW on light days, +5 KG on medium and heavy days), pretty much starting from week 5 of Anthony DiLuglio's Workbook (skipping the Program Minimum) (confusing, as on Strong First I read RoP is 13 Weeks in and of itself, I will have to re-read EtK).

After that, my ego got in the way and I started a Round of S&T with the 24 KG, but my presses really sucked (I can't "accept" corona made me so weak...) which really wasn't good for my shoulders.

That’s a long backstory (sorry), but here's what I intend to do, and I wanted to check whether it makes sense?

======================================== The Plan ========================================

I'll stay away from Kettlebells for 2 Weeks and only do Original Strength (Head nods, rocking, rolling, crawling, hindu pushups and so on), allowing my shoulder to recover.

After that, pretty much start from scratch - S&S with 16 KG for TGU and 24 for Swings (plus Pull-ups, without C&P) for a couple of weeks (TGU to build shoulder strength / stability back up). Once I feel I could jump to 24 KG for the TGU (I hope I will at some stage), I'll run a round of RoP with the 16 KG, followed by SaT with the 16 KG and then check back in with how my shoulders and strength feel with the 24 KG for C&P.

Does that make sense at all? OR am I over thinking (as I usually do) or am I missing anything there?

Thanks friends!

(I think I'm mainly looking for a good amount of cheering up because it sucks so hard to not be getting back to previous strength after weeks...)
@dotk3033 I think you should go to physiotherapist and orthopedic doctor with your shoulder, since it's recurring issue. It won't fix itself if it's easily coming back.
@dotk3033 I also screwed my shoulder up so solidarity there.

I don't have any idea what I did with it to make it so pissed off but I suspect it might be my cleans that screwed it up. Having no idea what I did to it was making me anxious because whatever it was I don't want to do it again.

Light bottoms up presses have helped me some and by light I mean light (8 kg).

Basically I'm still doing all the things but I've reduced my weight and volume and I'm hoping it's enough. The inside of my shoulder sometimes sounds like a rice crispy and it's not feeling too fantastic. It's more achy.
@dotk3033 Over thinking, I know it brings some mental comfort to plan out ahead that much but you have to be able to play it by ear a bit more in times like this.

-see a professional

-don't do anything that hurts or even just doesn't feel quite right

-focus hard on the stuff you CAN do

-don't try to plan even the next day in terms of progression and getting "back to normal" or whatever.

I did something weird to my tricep last year and hit a major deadlift PR as a consolation prize. There's (almost) always something else to work on.
@dotk3033 Hey, I can be silly when I get injured and often rush back with too high a weight, feel like you may suffer from the same affliction. I now have a rule that when I ‘comeback’ after a break I only do S&S with a weight I can comfortably handle - usually 20kgs. I’ve had shoulder and back issues and I find TGUs iron a lot of those problems out but may just be me.

Being injured sucks but being injured twice sucks more!
@michelcanna Yeah, you're probably right there. I'm currently not doing anything because the shoulder is pretty bad AND my index finger on the other side is massively giving me pain as well 😩
@dotk3033 I am in no way an expert, only been doing s snd s for the last 7 months. However that sounds like a solid plan.

I can identify with how you are feeling, i have had injuries set me back before (dislocated knee took me out of martial arts training and once again halted progress in powerlifting) Also i currently have a niggle in my shoulder which i leave for a few days then get back to the kettlebell only to have it return.

I like you, need to face up to the facts of my body and swallow my pride. This is something that it sounds like you understand but damn if it isnt hard/disheartening to accept.

Here is one thing to keep in mind. You are a bad ass, not only do you have the dedication to keep to a programme but you also have the wisdom to understand when you need to dial back the weight. Remember, why are we doing this stuff in the first place? Health. This is the only real goal. You want to be a healthy/strong version of yourself. Currently in order to do that you need to lower the weight and that is what you will do because you are clever and humble enough to recognise it.

Keep up the good work.
@homohabilis117 Now, if this isn't a nice, encouraging and most welcome answer, I don't know what would be. Thanks ever so much for your response and the encouragement, I feel much better about "scaling down" now and might be able to contain my FOMO for a while!