Ppl or full body


New member
What’s up guys, been dieting for about a month and half, going to the gym for like 3 weeks now. I go three times a week and do cardio + a full body workout each time. I’m usually there for a couple hours. My question to you all is would it be better to split my workout into the popular push, pull, legs split over the three days or should I continue to do full body workouts? I have at least two days between workouts so sore muscles holding me back hasn’t been an issue.

My goal is to lose fat, that is a higher priority for me than building muscle, but of course I also want more muscle. I’m a 25 y/o guy and am currently at about 235-240. I have been seeing progress with my current schedule but I’ve been yo yo dieting my entire life so I’d love to hear some outside perspective. Thanks everyone, have a great weekend 👍
@petronela For 3x per week stick to full body...with a 3x per week Ppl you're really only hitting your muscle groups once per week...ideally you'd want to hit them twice per week minimum unless you're more advanced and just kind of in maintenance mode.
@petronela I was hitting it pretty hard for almost 2 yrs straight before I was able to successfully program and do a 6 day ppl long term. Or even really needed it. If anything I feel you should progress to upper lower for several months before going to a 6 day ppl.

My main issue when I tried 6 days in the past was time and experience and my experience level with my exercises and exercise selection. I felt like going 6 days a week left me with literally no time for anything and even doing laundry would make me upset and stressed. Even thinking about taking a bus or rail somewhere would drive me nuts because of time.

Essentially I was also doing 60 sets a week each for chest and back and doing nothing but compounds and weighted calisthenics lmao. No TUT and just some bicep tricep work to follow with. It was killing me.

A year after that it was time for me to move to a real ppl and I handled it and my time management alot better. Like it doesn’t stress me out at all now I don’t even worry about it. I was able to plop it right into my schedule.
@petronela It always comes down to what you want to achieve. You will never build huge amount of muscles when you are in a deficit to lose fat.

Personally, I did a 3 day split followed by a 2 day split for nearly two years and dropped almost 15% bodyfat.

IMO you can achieve that by doing whatever you like, its all about diet anyways. The upside of only 3 days per week (i ended up going 6 times a week) is that you have a lot of energy to really give it your all in the workouts. The upside of going to the gym 5 or 6 times per week is that you can really focus on singular muscles you want to accentuate. Like you don't have enough time for that if you do full body workout. No time to hit all muscle heads in your arms and shoulders for example, fully engage your back etc.

Losing weight is 90% happening in the kitchen. As long as you keep your protein intake high and do regular strength training, the muscle loss will be kept to a minimum. YOu also don't want an extreme deficit either, 200-300 should suffice.
@petronela Would stick to full body.

A 3 day ppl can work if you are a hyper-responder to training or advanced, otherwise full body is probably the right choice.