PPLr Routine Feedback


New member
Hello PHitness folks! I need your feedback, opinion and or advice on this program I made. I know there are already proven templates for PPLr, but I am having fun with this self-discovery journey. Here's what I came up with:


I decided to make two variants, just to spice up the routine a little. I don't have any particular objective in mind yet, pero I've been 100% consistent since I started my journey. Played with PPrPPrr (no legs, I know lol) then PPLPPLr. Now I felt like PPLrPPLr is the best routine for me, as I can have "free days" for other life activities.

Here is [A] PPLr:

1. Incline DB Press
2. Machine Horizontal Chest Press
3. Machine Shoulder Press
4. SS: ISO Machine Chest Fly and Lateral DB Raise
5. Machine Tricep Curl
6. Tricep Dip

1. Cable Pulldown (Wide)
2. Reverse DB Pull (Supinated)
3. Isolated DB Pull
4. Machine Pullback (Overhand, palms down)
5. ISO Preacher Bicep Curl
6. SS: EZ Bar Bicep Curl & Forearm DB Curl

1. Trapbar Stiff-Leg RDL
2. Cable Leg Side Raise (Abductor)
3. Machine Seated Leg Curl
4. ISO Farmer Carry
5. Declined Bench Situps (Weighted w/ Plate)

For legs, objective was to do BB squats, pero I noticed nag ccave-in legs ko sa form. I figured mahina outer thighs ko, hence yung Leg Side Raise muna for now to strengthen them.

For "B" variation, if may asterisk, eto yung iniba niya from "A" variation.

1. Incline DB Press
2. Machine Horizontal Chest Press
3. SS: ISO Machine Chest Fly and Lateral DB Raise
4. Machine Reverse Fly*
5. Cable EZ Bar Pushdown*
6. Cable Rope Pulldown*

1. Body Weight Pullup (Narrow)*
2. Cable Pulldown (Narrow)*
3. Cable Pull (Narrow)*
4. Cable Face Pull*
5. Alternate Seated DB Curl*
6. SS: Standing Crossbody Hammer DB Curl & Forearm DB Curl*

1. Trapbar Stiff-Leg RDL
2. Cable Leg Side Raise (Abductor)
3. Machine Leg Press (Neutral foot, quads)*
4. ISO Farmer Carry
5. Ab Leg Raise*

I feel like hindi ko pa need now ng BB deadlift, since wala akong fullbody or power day workout, since naka PPLr naman ako. Then for BB chest press, I feel like mag gain muna ako ng STR for now using machines. I understand na better din ang free weights vs machines kase nirerecruit niya yung other muscle groups used for balancing, pero I'm keeping it simple and relatively "easy" for now.

Initial routine was almost 10 to 12 exercises per day, and it was difficult for me to trim down and optimize. I decided to limit it to 6 exercises per day when I learned about junk volumes wherein fatigue na ang nagkkick-in.

Compounds are max 10 reps, and supporting or ISO exercises are 8 to 12. Smaller muscles are 16 to 20 reps.

Let me know what you guys think! Thank you in advance for reading and checking this out! ✊

Also if it matters: 33, M, 173cm, 72kg

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