PPLUL Split.. Enough volume on all muscle groups?

Hi Guys,

I've been wanting change to a PPLUL split from PPLX2 due to not being able to go 6 days anymore..

Now I've been looking online but I can barely find anything about PPLUL.. and if I do it looks like low volume..

I tried making one with tiktok vids about JPGCoaching and RyanJewers advicing optimal training days for U/L/P/P/L..

Now I was curious if this is split up evenly and good volume for all muscle groups to train for hyperthrophy/bodybuilding..


Squats 3x5-6

RDL 3x8-12

Leg Press 3x8-12

Leg Curls 3x8-12

Leg Ext. 3x8-12

Rear Delt Row 3x8-12

Lateral Raises 3x8-12

21 sets


Incline DB press 3x8-12

Pec Dec Fly 3x8-12

T-Bar Row 3x6-10

Lat Pulldown 3x8-12

Y-Raises 3x12-15

Rope Pushdown 3x8-12

Seated Bicep Curl 3x8-12

21 sets


Squats 3x5-6

RDL 3x8-12

Leg Press 3x8-12

Leg Curls 3x8-12

Leg Ext. 3x8-12

Calf Raises 3x8-12

18 sets


Flat DB Press 3x8-10

Incline DB Press 3x8-12

Pec Fly 3x8-12

DB Shoulder press 3x8-12

Lateral Raises 3x12-15

Rope pushdown 3x8-12

Y Raises 3x8-12

21 Sets


Pull Ups 3x 8+

Lat Pulldown 3x8-12

Seated Row 3x8-12

Str. arm Pulldown 3x8-12

Rear Delt Row 3x12-15

Hammer Curls 3x8-12

DB Curls 3x8-12

21 Sets
@mssurrendered1 Hey thanks for your reply!

Legs I was thinking of changing it up and making a quad and ham focused day instead.

What is in your opinion high volume? Is it on the lower days or the Upper/PP part?

Edit: Yeah, I used to do PPL with a bit more volume then this.. so now my mindset is kinda skewed where when I go lower in sets a week I feel like its low volume..

Never struggled with recovery as I have an office job and low stress.. Diet and sleep is in check so I didnt really struggle with recovery.. Did have a few small injuries here and there which seemed to go away after an extra day off.
@onedayatatime549 I am an advocate of quality over quantity and I know that if I really push myself to RIR 1-2 over my mesocycle I cannot do too much of a volume, so I rather keep it on the lower side.

12 sets of back on pull day is a lot by my standards but if you have good recovery I think its fine. Its always best to listen to your body.