Pre-period week and not being able to lift as much as I used to?


New member
Hey everyone! Firstly sorry for my grammar mistakes, English is not my first language :) I know the title kinda sounds absurd but I just couldn't find the best word combination to describe my question. For a context, I'm a 5'2 20 years old girl who weighs somewhere between 125-127 lbs( I haven't weighed in the last three weeks because lately I've been more interested in getting stronger and also scale kinda makes me anxious, to be honest). I'm an active gym-goer who does strength training five times a week. When it comes to nutrition, I eat somewhere between 1400-1600 yet on my rest days, I try not to exceed over 1400.

Two weeks ago, I managed to squat 70 kg(154 lbs) for six reps. It was such a great for me because six months ago I wasn't able to do even a free weight barbell squat. I felt extremely strong and faith in myself once again revives lol. Yet, here is a thing for the last one week I don't feel as much powerful as I used to feel and that's why I cannot lift the weights that I used to lift two week ago without any problem.(For example, this Saturday I struggled while squatting 65 kg(143 lbs) Nothing related to my nutrition has changed over this time and I sleep total 7-8 hours a day. The only thing that comes up to my mind is my period cycle. Two days ago I watched this TED Talk by James Smith on why weight loss is much harder for women and it made me think that perhaps my period cycle might be one of the main reasons why I'm having these problems. I mean I've always had inconsistent period cycles yet it never affected my general strength up to now.

I understand not everyday has to be a success day or not everyday I will be able to add another plate to my barbell but seeing myself struggling in front a mirror kinda discourages me :( Is there anyone who is having the same problems or encountered similar issues in the past? I don't think there is anyone near me who can understand these issues because I'm the only woman who does strength training in my family and friends.
@conniverouss This is totally a thing. You should check out Cut the S#!t Get Fit Podcast. 20 mins into Episode 74 with Lyle McDonald. They talk about how some women are being affected by where they are in their cycle regarding weight lifting.
@conniverouss Definitely. Also, fwiw I’ve found that my body hits exhaustion earlier when I’m about to get sick... it’s become my first warning sign that I probably want to slow down. It’s great that you can feel this about yourself!
@dawn16 My period cycles have always been inconsistent and sometimes it doesn't any sign at all! So, I'm kinda glad to have see some warnings sings beforehand lol