Programming that is creative/has variety and keeps you interested?

@emiles97 I’ve been doing CrossFit Linchpin for about a year at home and it has been the best thing I’ve ever done, workout-wise. Each week is a mix of barbell, wods, and cardio. I think it’s $15 a month but comes with a Beyond the Whiteboard subscription. This is where you’ll find the workouts and can log everything. Highly recommend!!
@emiles97 Have you looked into CrossFit programming at home? Saw another commenter said Linchpin, and there's so many others depending on what you like. Street parking, Comptrain, main site, HWPO would all be ideas.
@emiles97 You might like it more when no two workouts are the same, but this approach is awful for long term progression.

For progressive overload to occur you need to log your workouts and to make sure you're actually progressing. If you're always doing something new, you're very likely to not know if you're exerting enough effort for that exercise to be productive.
@emiles97 I’ve been loving Obi Vincent’s program on Playbook - he’s got some great KB/DB programs but his main ones focus in Crosslifting so it’s a bit of bodybuilding with functional work cleverly weaved throughout.

Sarah Holden is also similar but her app isn’t my favorite.
@emiles97 I really love the Quiet Strength Fitness “functional fitness” plan. I found her on Instagram and was really impressed with her physique. I was super bored with things I have done in the past, and some plans I just really don’t jive with because they use too much equipment or are too many oddball movements I just don’t want to take the time to learn.

Some of her movements are things you have already done with barbells and kettle bells, a couple were new to me, but she has videos for all of them. I used to pretty much only use the barbell but her program got me moving with kettle bells and a couple dumbbell things as well which mixes it up for me, and I really love it.

As the name implies, it really is about functional fitness. I feel better, stronger, and faster in pretty much every aspect. Even six weeks in I’m still getting some pretty solid DOMS. I’ve been able to progressively overload just about every week and have also been able to shave time off of my running mileage.

The workouts take about an hour. They are different enough to keep me interested, but not so wildly different that I’m having to memorize new movements every day before I go to the gym.

I really like it. When I’m done I’ll either repeat it or try another one of her plans. I’ve been eating the same as I always eat, but I definitely feel more svelte and like I’m putting muscle on.

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