Programming that is creative/has variety and keeps you interested?

@emiles97 I’ve been doing CrossFit Linchpin for about a year at home and it has been the best thing I’ve ever done, workout-wise. Each week is a mix of barbell, wods, and cardio. I think it’s $15 a month but comes with a Beyond the Whiteboard subscription. This is where you’ll find the workouts and can log everything. Highly recommend!!
@emiles97 Have you looked into CrossFit programming at home? Saw another commenter said Linchpin, and there's so many others depending on what you like. Street parking, Comptrain, main site, HWPO would all be ideas.
@emiles97 You might like it more when no two workouts are the same, but this approach is awful for long term progression.

For progressive overload to occur you need to log your workouts and to make sure you're actually progressing. If you're always doing something new, you're very likely to not know if you're exerting enough effort for that exercise to be productive.
@emiles97 I’ve been loving Obi Vincent’s program on Playbook - he’s got some great KB/DB programs but his main ones focus in Crosslifting so it’s a bit of bodybuilding with functional work cleverly weaved throughout.

Sarah Holden is also similar but her app isn’t my favorite.
@emiles97 I really love the Quiet Strength Fitness “functional fitness” plan. I found her on Instagram and was really impressed with her physique. I was super bored with things I have done in the past, and some plans I just really don’t jive with because they use too much equipment or are too many oddball movements I just don’t want to take the time to learn.

Some of her movements are things you have already done with barbells and kettle bells, a couple were new to me, but she has videos for all of them. I used to pretty much only use the barbell but her program got me moving with kettle bells and a couple dumbbell things as well which mixes it up for me, and I really love it.

As the name implies, it really is about functional fitness. I feel better, stronger, and faster in pretty much every aspect. Even six weeks in I’m still getting some pretty solid DOMS. I’ve been able to progressively overload just about every week and have also been able to shave time off of my running mileage.

The workouts take about an hour. They are different enough to keep me interested, but not so wildly different that I’m having to memorize new movements every day before I go to the gym.

I really like it. When I’m done I’ll either repeat it or try another one of her plans. I’ve been eating the same as I always eat, but I definitely feel more svelte and like I’m putting muscle on.
@emiles97 I've done RP and GZCLP too, but this week I started Stronger By The Day and am really enjoying it (despite the full body DOMs I currently have). It's $9.99/month but there's a 7 day trial to see if you like it. I've never paid for programming before but after finally getting bored of the free templates I've been using, I think it's worth it to have a nicely-designed program to follow which regularly changes. Just in this first week I've done a few exercises I've never tried before and never would have put into my own RP/GZCLP training (Zercher squats were a surprise hit!) so that's been quite fun.

There's also a Discord and Facebook group, and I didn't realise how much I would like feeling part of a community all following the same program at the same time.
@cg828 I just started this past week as well and am loving it! Abs are still so sore from the ab rollouts on day 3 and those super/giant sets on day 4 absolutely killed me. So nice to have a new motivation to go to the gym.
@dawn16 My abs are still sore too! Just seen the new workouts for next week, I like how there's just enough variation in the accessories to keep it interesting, while still keeping the main strength parts the same.
@cg828 Totally! I was never good at knowing when to vary accessories. It’s a relief to have it all set out already and not wonder if you’re follow the most efficient progression scheme
@wallflower1104 It's nice to know it might not be this hard every week then lol! It's certainly highlighted the areas where I was slacking in my own programming...looking forward to next week!
@emiles97 If you enjoyed CrossFit and really only stopped because of the cost you could take a look at Linchpin CrossFit. It's an online CrossFit group that has a great community, video's that explain the WOD everyday as well as some videos explaining how to approach the program, each day has options for scaling, limited equipment and a variation in addition to the RX WOD. There is a 30 day free trial so you can see if you like it or not. If you do it's around $12.50 - $15 per month.
I joined about 6 months ago after finishing Caroline's workouts and have enjoyed it so far.
@emiles97 I’m doing natacha oceanes reload program right now and it has hypertrophy, strength and some dynamic moves which are new to me. I’m getting stronger, growing muscles and starting to feel more athletic. This is her beginner/restarted program so you would probably choose one of her other programs but her style might suit you
@nebula1 Fully agreed, Natacha's stuff is the best. I'm doing the latest Move after having completed 4 others (all 3 cuts and the first build). I keep coming back because I *hate* monotony in my workouts, and these are so interesting and varied and fun that I genuinely enjoy the gym.

Move is my favorite so far for sheer variety--the goal isn't aesthetics or purely strength but rather gaining general athleticism/new skills. Everything from hypertrophy to plyometrics to HIIT to abs; lots of compound movements; all of it programmed on an app that lets me track my progress and see demos of each move without being annoyingly involved and without attempting the sort of algorithmic motivational aesthetic that everything else seems to be conjuring these days.

10/10 recommend; not to sound hyperbolic, but those programs have made my life/body better in every way.
@scrambled I’m 4 weeks in and smiled to myself when i did some forward bounds and they felt good in my body and like i had so much spring. I’ve never felt like that before plus i’m adding weight onto my big lifts, there’s magic in those programs.