protein w veg indian diet


New member
i've been trying to work out and gain muscle but i'm scared i'm not gonna be able to reach my protein goals on account of me being a vegetarian indian.
Stuff like chickpeas and daal barely have any protein and i cant eat tofu every day. Is there anyone that's experienced something similar.
@greatestfaith Fat free cottage cheese and yogurt, the ones i eat have around 10g and 50-60kcal per 100g, eggs, eat a few at a time, cheese, it has a decent amount of protein but also depends on the type of cheese, bread and wheat based stuff like pasta has more protein than rice usually and u can compare the labels to optimise, also if u can find soy based proteins like seitan, tempeh, or just plain dried soy (the one i buy has 52g protein per 100g but it is very bland), then peanuts/peanut butter has some protein but not that much its just an okay addition to a meal or snack, or eat protein bars and protein powder just be careful not to eat too much of protein supplements per day. If u find a bunch of ingredients u like u can play around with them to make some variating meals although it can get kinda boring
@greatestfaith Soya chunks, quinoa, khichdi, protein peanut butter, lentils, chickpeas, yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese, chia seeds. You can try incorporating a variety of these things in your daily diet to reach your protein goal. You can also consume some raw paneer on the side every now and then if feasible.

Edit- grammar

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