Q&D snatch series vs swing and push-up


New member
In Q&D, the program alternates arms for one arm swings within a series, so, for example, 10L, 10R. However, the snatches are not supposed to alternate, e.g., 10L,10L, followed by another series of 10R,10R. I’m not sure why there is a difference. Any ideas?
@hil I would say it has nothing to do with the swings. When you do pushups, you use both arms for the full series. But since you do one arm snatches, the impact of the series per arm would be just half if you did switch and this probably won't be enough to reach the wanted lactic acid levels.
@hil He must feel that without the pushup stresses this is necessary to promote equivalent growth via the snatch routine; in the areas that the pushup would otherwise hit.