Question about Compounds and specifically barbell movements

@constantine1946 Keep in mind the vast majority of people don’t have even passable form on any free weight exercise and as a result they don’t achieve much with and then injure themselves.

I’m 41 and I’ve only recently started squatting again, and gone up to 230kg and never hurt myself. I’ve only ever had one client hurt his back doing it and he had a serious injury in the past, and that only kept him out of the gym a few days.
@jess1 Thanks! I appreciate the info!!

I'm very careful with load management this time round after all my mistakes so far and yea I couldn't imagine how, if I go up slowly(and the weak links don't fall behind), and I don't push 1-3 Rep maxes, I could do any permanent damage. My spinal erectors/QL give out long before I could even force any unnatural shear forces on the spine lol(DLs and such).. just an example. Not sure how horribly you have to ignore your body's cues(and for how long), and as you said the basic foundations of those movements to do any chronic damage to yourselves.. Other than maybe muscle strains.
@constantine1946 I just have to be careful if I have a niggle in my back or knees. If it doesn’t feel right in my warm up sets I won’t hesitate to leave it out for a day. It’s not worth the risk just for one session.