Question about legday..


New member
Right now I'm trying to figure out the most efficient way to program my leg days without getting totally winded halfway through. Right now my leg days are:
  • Back Squat - 4 x 5
  • Deadlift - 3 x 5
  • Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift - 3 x 10
  • Seated Leg Extension - 3 x 12
  • Dumbell Bulgarian Split Squat - 3 x 8
  • Seated Calf Raise - 4 x 15
By the end of the DB Romanian Deadlift I am absolutely tired. I was thinking of replacing Deadlift with Lunges? Am I doing too much volume? Hitting everything well? Thank you for your time reading this!
@journeytolife77 That’s a tough leg day. What I would do: Swap DL for RDL, move leg extension to third and do leg curls instead of db rdl. Then do lunges instead of BSS. So:

Leg extensions
Leg curls
Calf raises

I’d probably also drop the lunges to be honest (zero chance I give much effort on them after the prior work) but that should be much easier as written while still getting the job done.
@journeytolife77 I would, but you should see what works for you. A lot of people like doing some hamstring work before squats instead like someone else mentioned. You could try it both ways and see what feels best
@journeytolife77 You’ve got heavy squats and deads in the same workout. That’s a lot. For pure hypertrophy purposes, I would program squats and deads in a 6+ rep range. I’d also pick just one deadlift variant. Pulling from the floor at a normal tempo is also really inefficient for hypertrophy purposes. So either make those deadlifts slow eccentric and drop the RDL, or drop the deads completely (while keeping RDL).

I’d also drop either leg extension or split squat and throw in a hamstring curl.
@journeytolife77 Like another person already said I would remove deadlifts unless you absolutely can’t live without them.

Secondly i would focus on frying your hamstrings before moving on to your squats . Reason being they are a relatively small muscle group compared to your quads, and they’re generally less fatiguing to train compared to your quads(with the exception of RDL). This will allow you to really destroy your quads without worrying about leaving some in the tank for later exercises.

RDL > hamstring curl > squatting movement > leg extension > calves is a good baseline flow to work from.

Feel free to ask any more questions!
@journeytolife77 I think
Squat OR RDL
Leg extension
Leg curl
Calf raise
3 sets of all of these (but 5 of Calf raise since it doesn't really get trained elsewhere) to failure try to stick between 6-10 reps, change weight as needed.

I actually do 2 sets each of the hip abduction / adduction machines as well it really does make me feel stronger overall in the legs. I've gone to camp lower volume higher intensity and seen good results, and I think your program is waaaaay to fatiguing and a lot of junk volume. I feel like I could never do your program though so kudos to your stamina
@journeytolife77 Squat, deadlift, romanian deadlift, and split squats all in the same workout is insane. If your main goal is building muscle I’d take out deadlifts completely. Stimulus to fatigue ratio makes it a horrible exercise for bodybuilding imo. I’d also say swap squat for hack squat or leg press.
Something like Hack Squat/Leg Press, Romanian Deadlift, Bulgarian Split Squats/Leg Extension, Hamstring Curl, Calves would be much better.
@journeytolife77 How much rest are you taking between sets?

Are you eating enough calories before your workout?

Are you in generally good enough shape? (Could you slowly jog a mile?)

Having squats and deadlifts in the same workout is also, well, exhausting; consider splitting those up instead of just having "leg day".
@journeytolife77 Personally I would not do a leg day, and instead split this across 3 (or however many) days of full body.

Otherwise I'd do A/B days with either heavy squat -> light deads and heavy deads -> light squat but never high RPE on both