Question about my routine/split


New member
Hello everyone, I hope you're all having a great day. I am 16 years old, 6 foot 1, and weight 185 lbs. I have been working out for about 1.5 years, but it hasn't been the most consistent, but I like to think that I've built a decent physique along with some decent lifts. I am currently a sophomore in high school, I take my education pretty seriously. Along with high school, I work around 2-4 shifts a week at my part-time job. My schedule varies weekly. Therefore, my gym routine is pretty "random" you could say. Here is what it looks like for the upcoming days:

Monday: Work/ 3 mile run instead

Tuesday: Work/ 3 mile run instead

Wednesday: Push

Thursday: Pull

Friday: work/ 3 mile run instead

Saturday: Legs

Sunday: chest/back

Monday: shoulders/arms

Tuesday: Legs

This schedule will look very different next week. Is this case of having an inconsistent routine impact my progress?

P.S Sorry if I made this post longer than it should've been.
@bob23 If you have issues fitting in what looks like a Push/Pull/Legs, Chest+Back/Shoulders+Arms/Legs routine into one week consistently then Upper/Lower would be perfect. I really think Upper/Lower is one of the best splits, simply because it requires only 4 days. And if you find you have an extra day some weeks, you could throw in an Arm day.

I just think there's no point trying to force a PPL, 6-day split into a busy schedule when there are options to make that easier.

As long as you're hitting each muscle for 12-16 sets a week with good form and tracking strength gains, then Upper/Lower or even Full Body are as valid as PPL.

If you want 5 days, a big favourite of mine is P/P/L/Rest/UP/LOW/Rest.

P.S. I'm impressed you're working out, taking education seriously and earning some money at 16 years old. I wish I'd had that attitude at your age! Don't miss out on seeing friends and having fun though. And be sure to keep in contact with your friends as you get older.