Question: Could someone translate the hieroglyphics that Levi posted on Youtube for me please?


New member
Video in question:

Hieroglyphics: 5x2' - 8+8; 8+7; 8+7; 8+7; 8+6

Please help lol. Levi if you happen to see this, I love your stuff. I'd love it even more if I could understand it lmao.
@kimgrogg 5x2’= 5x 2 minute sets. The subsequent grouping of two numbers I.e. 8+8, 8+7 etc. are the reps achieved in each minute of each 2 minute set.
@tim316 Couldnt edit the original post, but unfortunately I left something out. This:

ren row & cleans/plank

- w20" r10" x6'

Could you elaborate what that means with the renegade rows with clean and planks?

@kimgrogg Working for 20s, resting for 10s

He’s doing renegade rows for 20s, resting 10s, then doing 20s of cleans, resting 10s, then repeating but with planks instead of cleans, continuous for 6min.
@loves2readya I had an elaborate smart ass response in mind, but then I saw who it was responding so yea. Lol. You're right, it's definitely all in the vid, and I can understand it now thanks to @gaconvn and @tim316.

Thanks for the video, gonna give that a shot today.
@kimgrogg i feel i give a significant amount away on my socials. demo vids, sample sessions, often with details in description. but its important to remember this is a snapshot of what i do as a whole - a piece to a much larger puzzle for a specific goal