Question re:DFW Round count


New member
I know that performance varies from person 2 person, but am curious on what KB weight and how many rounds are people getting on single and double days? I'm running this with about 15 guys at 5:45am outdoors in Cary, NC. We are putting the bells down after the last press and re-cleaning before squatting.

Humidity has been horrible and thank god for handsavers.

I'm 58 y/o 210lbs using 2 x 53's and here is my week 1 stats:

W1D1: 9

W1D2: 30

W1D3: 21
@sarada Hello. I just finished dfw remix yesterday and really enjoyed it.
57m 135lbs. I ran the program with 16s. My week 1 = d1 8, d2 36, d3 24.
Double 16s was my 5RM at start and yesterday I knocked out 11 although the last rep was a bit iffy.
I hope you enjoy the program as much as I did.
@nikpraw Thanks. I know it can vary widely. I'm running this with a group of friends that vary in age by 20 years and weight by 100lbs - so are #'s are all over the place.