r/PetiteFitness Lounge

Yes.. and do you ever notice how these super tall lanky types “eat whatever they want” and “stay skinny”? Well. That’s because they genetically are in a better position for that to be the case. They can eat more, and they have a high metabolism!
For me, I struggle with both of what you mentioned. Another thing is extremely slow metabolism. I feel like a camel holding on to all of this food. Makes weight loss extremely slow, which is also demotivating. I’m currently trying to build muscle to help combat this, as us short ladies naturally have less muscle mass!
@versewatches Besides TDEE, what do you girls struggle with? For me, working out makes me super hungry for lunch and it feels weird to eat the same amount as my bf (tall, skinny, doesn’t work out).
Welcome! This is a brand new sub. Feel free to help start the discussion on what we’d like this sub to be like, and share with your petite friends so we can grow this community!