Reasons/motivation to workout

@sparklepaws23 My kids are crazy, I need to stay stronger than them.

Mostly because I’m scared of getting old. My wife’s a nurse and has a lot of stories about people that can’t stand up off a toilet and such.
@sparklepaws23 I try and go straight after work (gym is 10 mins from work but 20mins from home). I make myself go even when I don't feel like it (I never feel like it) and tell myself the results will accumulate and I'll be grateful in 6 months.
@sparklepaws23 I enjoy lifting weights. You certainly do not have to do something every day. I would try for a shorter session 3-5 days a week and work up to more. Habits take time to build. If you set yourself up for failure by demanding you fit it in every day for at least an hour, then you can’t make a workout and you are off track.
@sparklepaws23 Discipline eats motivation for breakfast.

What even is motivation? Do you think it's going to just appear one day and from that day on you'll never miss a gym session again? It doesn't work like that, you'll be waiting forever.

You need discipline, not motivation.

Set your workout day/time, and stick to it. Then turn up. Even when you can't be bothered. Even when you're unmotivated. Even when something more appealing comes up. Carve the time out of your week and go. That's discipline, and that's what will work.
@sparklepaws23 Think of what u want ur life to look like in the future + who u want to be. Note im assuming being fit should comeup, but if it does not then maybe u should reflect on that. Then u need to recognize that developping a habit of exercising leads to cummulative exponential gains, not immediate or linear gains. You wont see the results straight away, but if you build the habit of exercising routinely, you will eventually achieve your goals. Thus u need to focus on discipline and habit building as opposed to only doing it when u have motivation.
@sparklepaws23 You don’t need motivation. For me the biggest thing that got me to work out was that I didn’t want to. If you try to enjoy things that make you uncomfortable or things that you don’t want to do you are more likely to make working out a permanent habit. Remember it’s a lifestyle and a life long journey! Hope this helps
@sparklepaws23 Doing Ă  type of workout you like is a great motivation because workout have to be something you enjoy. There are many kind of workout, so try finding something you enjoy doing