Recap for OCB Slayer Classic 2022


New member
Got 2nd in my first show and I did not pose well due to never practicing from being so tired. Wanted to be a pro in my 2nd show no matter what; that’s essentially the only way I would improve in my placing. Decided to just go after it. Self coached since forever.

Problems: My planned show got canceled. I wanted a month to play around with peaking, but oh well. Had to join OCB instead of doing a WNBF fed show. And it was a month earlier, but nothing I couldn’t modify for. Only downside was I couldn’t do classic/bodybuilding with men’s physique as planned. Also, my hair stylist choice was in Korea and the 2nd option was overbooked. Had to cut my own hair but I’m used to that at least.

Starting weight 200lbs (did 3 months of training at maintenance at this weight after bulking up to it)
Ending weight 169lbs stage weight:174lbs

Prep length: 20 weeks(8 week deficit, 2 week maintenance, 9.5 week deficit with peak week left).

Starting calories 2500 cardio 1x a week
Ending month: 1500-1700calories 600-700 cardio daily

Posing practice:
last 2 months daily. 2 posing classes just to get extra opinions around the 4 week and 2 weeks out mark. Very good on just getting tips to enhance practice instead changing my current posing style. I enjoy dancing. This made posing seem very simple after I connected the dots.

Macros: 200-220p 60f rest carbs based on activity.
Main proteins: pork loin, egg whites, chicken breast, Greek yogurt, whey
Main fat sources: while eggs, nuts, omega 6 supplement
Main carbs: rice, quinoa, veggies(squash, mushrooms, and spinach, etc).

Morning: daily vitamin, vitamin D, omega 6/3, creatine, beta analine
Preworkout: l citruline, caffeine, glycerol monoastreate mixed with w/e diet soda or drink I have on hand.

Training: modified 5x full body based off Jeff Nippard’s version.

Best resources: RP periodization, Jeff nippard, biolayne’s prep guide, studies, this Reddit
@bubblegoose42 Wow you are exactly where I'm at! Same starting weight at 200 and everything and I'm currently in prep with a coach and trying to get down to 170 lb also at 5'10 45 years of age. I would love to learn enough to someday prep myself and I've been in Fitness for a decade and learned about macros and nutrition and deficit. I want to finally after 4 years thinking about it of getting to a bodybuilding stage and this is my first prep for 16 weeks for a show first weekend of July and I'm nervous because I'm not losing two to three pounds a week so far and I've gone through a couple of weeks in the last few days I've stayed at the same 196 lb eating 1850 calories down from 2500 calories. My cardio plan is 25 minutes of StairMaster or elliptical but I'm getting nervous and thinking about working out longer or dropping my own calories a little more before coach does just so I can get on task of where I should be in weight by now. I would love to pick your brain and learn any ideas you may have for me to do in prefer t lose weight like I should be and what I may be doing wrong. I have a food scale and track in myfitnesspal and monitor exercise calories loosely on apple watch.