A recap of my transition from running and cycling to kettlebell training

@equinelover Man, sucks about the injury, I know how much it sucks not being able to do what you love. Glad things worked out though and major kudos on your progress! Even making Simple takes dedication. Thanks so much for sharing brotha, using this as some needed inspiration!!
@equinelover Real interesting . I’m running 3 times a week maybe I’ll do what you did and just stick with ladders clean and press . ( swings too ) Maybe later on do the total tension. Any thoughts ?
@equinelover Honestly no structure when it comes to KB I follow a little Wildman netris C&P program. Maybe that’s my problem but it’s hard with my schedule ( lame excuse ) sometimes don’t know much running I should do compared with KB. But I’m always researching stuff. Your input is great being a runner and KB monster. Thanks for replying
@chigun No problem! I'd say figure out what your goal is and then find a program that aligns with it. For example, one of the goals for RoP is a half BW press, which gave me a specific outcome to work toward.
@andy0 Usually ran on one variety day and did the recommended Thursday session from the book on the other.

I added pull-ups on some of my press days during TTC, but that was it for strength training outside of the programs.