Recent Study: Greater increases in muscle growth when training 5 vs 1 d/wk when volume is equated

@dawn16 Vs 1 day a week, yes. There could also be a benefit in muscle protein synthesis vs your current frequency.

If you decide to try it, just make sure you are progressing.

This recent study showed no difference between 3vs6 d/wk.

In conclusion, this study indicates that under volume-equated conditions, there are no additional strength benefits to training muscle groups 6 days per week in resistance-trained men, and that very high training frequencies may, in some cases, hinder muscle hypertrophy.
@dawn16 I just responded to your other post, but I just came across that video where Eric Helms talks about it a little bit, so I'll leave it here. I think they don't really talk much about it until closer to the end of the video after their workout. But like I said, the most important factor is really whichever split seems to work best for you.
on Sunday I’m starting a 6x per week full body split but with very reduced volumes on days that I go heavy on a lift like bench then the next day I’ll do an isolation for maybe 1-2 sets of chest and rotating a heavy focus on a compound lift then reducing intensity on the muscle the next day but I have 2 days to add more volume if necessary that I don’t lift heavy and 1 rest day a week or whenever I feel tired because I don’t want to occur any nagging injuries. I’m gonna run it around 6 weeks and evaluate how I feel from there.
Feel free to let me know but I just don’t think that’s an option for me I’m still in school and my schedule wouldn’t allow that
I understand that but bro if you wanted to you could do it I’m in high school, have a job that calls me random days of the week plus basketball every weekend. But believe me 6x a week isn’t necessary at all its just my preference cause it feels weird for me to not be in the gym I love lifting but the big thing is putting effort in the gym when your there doesn’t matter a ton how often that’s just splitting hairs in my opinion
Yeah I get it but college is a lot different from high school, I just need to change my split to something that works on a 4 day schedule
Yeah my brother barely gets sleep from his community service and class work in college so I understand that. I’ve done 4x a week before and that works really well for me when I’m deep in playoffs for basketball tryin to recover and stay injury free. Are you doing an upper lower? I liked those pretty well cause they were long and I got a crazy pump
Yeah I’m doing upper lower, been doing it for like 6 months I really enjoy it. My legs have made a big improvement since I neglected them before. Everyone says it’s good to change things up so I’m thinking of doing a new split when the new year starts. Haven’t found anything solid or that I like yet
@dawn16 Been running this exact split for a while. 6x/week full body split, separated as a 3 day split that I do twice a week. Once heavy (+-6rep) once high volume (+-12rep). Been enjoying it a lot
@debranch Hmm that’s an interesting idea I may try that later but for me I really like to focus in on a single compound move then normal accessory work. I’ll probably try this after my 6 weeks of what I already wrote up but it’s sound like a great idea
@snippy I have a full body dynamic warm up then I usually just do 4 warm up sets for whatever lift I’m doing to get a good mind muscle connection.
@snippy I just take 3-4 warm up sets for the first and heaviest lift and everything else is just 1-2 short warm up sets to be sure the muscle is good to go
@dawn16 You definitely can, I'm actually doing 5x full body right now because that's how AtS 2.0 defaulted to for the 5 day template and I really like it so far. Really, most of this stuff is just whatever works best for you. I like it better this way because it leaves me more fresh for my other lifts in the workout. So used to, I'd do a upper lower split, right? So I might do bench as my main heavy movement one day, then a OHP variation as my T2, then whatever accessories after, but the benching would wear me out and the OHP wouldn't be so good. However now, I'll do something like Bench as my main movement, then leg press as the T2, then some accessories, and everything just feels fresher imo. I hope I explained this well, it's awfully late for me right now. Eric Helms recommends this style of training as well.
@great_depression Lyle McDonald already did a good job tearing this study apart. Net net is that it was a terrible comparison. Compare 2x to 5x a week and see what happens. We already knew 1x a week wasn't optimal.