Recovery Tactics For Busy People Who Train Hard

@cherryjohnson Right after wodding, I go on the AB for 12-15 min at a slow pace; it helps bring my heart rate down and prevents me from feeling super sore the next day. Eating dinner early (2.5-3 hours before going to bed), cbd tincture an hour before bed, and a simple meditation ritual (3 things I’m grateful for that day) has helped me. Also getting 7+ hours of sleep too.

Lastly, not going “full send” all the time helps lol.
@cherryjohnson For me, dieting and supplementing plays a big role. If I’m putting the right stuff into my body, I feel I perform better. This, and having a solid and consistent rest period are crucial for me
@cherryjohnson Interesting take. It sounds like yout biggest issue is the DOMS. Basically you're asking how to feel like you're more fit because all the crossfit is beating you down so much.

I'd bet training at half the effort and putting more effort into eating and enjoying life more would get you to where you want to be.