Results and training/diet info from my overall win at the 2017 INBF Carolina Naturals

@chainbreaker2814 Thx. Yeah I had initially estimated higher but job is mostly desk work besides the 1-2 walk breaks I try to talk. Also The cardio I was doing was pretty low intensity, like stationary bike was ~13-14 mph and road cycling ~15 mph with running avg 9-9.5 min miles which is slow for me (normal speed during endurance training being around 18 mph for cycling and 7-7.5 min miles for running).
@shumeeah Hmm hard to say. I think the push/pull workout as I struggle through full leg days (ironic since legs prob my best feature) though I'm a big believer now of the RP philosophy of incorporating a deload week every 1-3 months, esp now that I'm getting older. Helped a lot with recovery and sustaining intensity esp during a cut. Thats always my intent but if I don't put it in the plan then I'll keep putting it off.
@paparazi257 Would you have preferred the RP style or the Phat style for cutting. Currently have been doing RP for the past half year. But ran Phat before hand. Different points in massing and cutting so can't compare myself.
@charles4u I think PHAT was better for cutting, the RP can be a lot to recover from so I'm dubious if you could make it through more than one 3 month block and still be able to increase the weights
@paparazi257 Congrats on your win man, you really looked great!
But when you said you only deload every 1-3 months, isn't that a bit of a crazy long time to not deload? I'm not so sure RP suggests that. Edit: the 3 months, 1 month is pretty reasonable, from what I understand
@2b4gotn I would say it depends on the intensity of your program. I was deloading every 5th week as they suggest since I was following their workout guidelines as well but if I was doing a less strenuous program I would prob push it to every ~8 weeks. I agree 3 months is a stretch, I mostly include that as just a "well at least they're deloading some time if not the optimal amount".
@mlenadc Ugh, I don't like thinking about it. But my first show is scheduled for June 3, 2018. Here's what I've budgeted:

Shoes: $70

Suit: $500 (this is a budget entry-level suit)

Robe: $50

Hair: $350 (cut and color days leading up to), $200 (styling day of)

Nails: $100 (mani-pedi day before)

Tan: $150 (this is just a budget base tan, no touch ups)


Membership: $100

Registration: $50

So just for the show alone, we're at around $1800.

This doesn't include any supplements, coaching (training, nutrition or posing leading up to the event, or present at event), jewellery, tickets for friends/family, any travel or accomodations, etc.

It makes me consider putting the money aside and just going on a vacation to show off there instead!


To save money, I've been trying my best to cut costs where I can. I watch suit designers on instagram and am waiting patiently to try and catch a sale (the cheapest I've seen is $350, but nothing in my size yet). I've been practising doing my hair myself, but I don't think I've gotten anywhere near good enough at it yet. I might be able to get away with coloring it myself though, we'll see. I have an education background in food science, and have been trying my best to just do my own diet/meal plan rather than hiring a coach, and asking my friends and the physique threads on reddit for feedback. Most people spend significantly more than I will be.