Review: 12 weeks on nSuns 5-day program


New member
37/M, 6'0. Starting weight: 194 lbs. Ending weight: 204.

I want to hit the 1,000-lb club by the end of this year. I did a nice cut throughout the spring/summer, and then kicked off a 12-week stint on the nSuns 5-day regimen. (Credit: /r/nSuns).

Lifestyle factors: busy job and family at home. I have 45-60 minutes to get my workout in, max, so I can't spend a ton of time at the gym. To address this, earlier this year, I installed a squat rack in my garage. This cut down substantially on the time I had to devote to getting my workouts in, while giving me greater schedule flexibility too. I highly recommend it, if this is an option for you.

The lifts: I started off the program with an estimate of my training max for each lift, and then held at a given weight or increased it depending on how many reps I could get for my 1+ set. So note that these are not necessarily PRs, but rather what I actually rep at least once on my heaviest set.
  • Bench press: 235 => 255 (+20 lbs)
  • Squat: 280 => 315 (+35 lbs)
  • Deadlift: 300 => 345 (+45 lbs)
I now think that my starting lifts could've been a little higher. But as an intermediate lifter, I consider this pretty decent progress for 12 weeks. I'm right at the cusp of 1,000 lbs now, and I'm gonna test it by EOY.

Nutrition: obviously a key element to all of this. I have a structured meal plan in which I eat pretty much whatever I want, as long as I hit certain calorie/protein goals. Given the nature of my office job, it's usually pretty easy to maintain a very predictable schedule. [Takes a moment to shovel a forkful of spinach in my mouth.] I eat at a 400 calorie surplus every day with ~180g of protein. About 100g of that is from whey powder.

  • My bench press has effectively stalled. I haven't gone up at all in almost 5 weeks, and I'm not sure how to keep progressing here.
  • After gaining weight steadily in the first few weeks, my gain has begun to level out. On average, I've gained a bit less than 1 lb/week, which I think is acceptable in terms of muscle/fat gain mix.
  • Aesthetically, I look basically identical. nSuns is not an aesthetics-focused program. While I've recorded small centimeter gains in some parts, they are very minor. This is always disappointing, but it's what you sign up for on this program.
  • Aesthetics aside, my lifts have definitely gone up, which I'm pleased with.
  • I like nSuns because it just throws a ton of volume at you, and automatically increases your weight as you complete more 1+ reps. It's easy to follow.
  • The downside to nSuns are that (1) I felt sometimes like I was leaving too many reps in the tank, especially on the lighter sets. I actually went off-program and added more reps sometimes to account for that. (2) Finishing all 9+ sets was hard for me to do in the time I had allotted, especially if you also want to hit some accessories.
Next steps: I modified a PHUL program and will be following that for the next 8 weeks or so. I'd really like to focus on some hypertrophy work before my cut next year. Thoughts/suggestions welcome!
@011235813 I'm about to start nsuns for a second time and the biggest concern I has to do with how long the workouts take. About a year ago when I was last doing this program I remember the longer days (Deadlift) taking 2-2.5 hours.

I see you have a squat rack at home, but did you make any other adjustments to fit the workout into a 1hr timeframe? I'm thinking about just dropping some sets across all exercises to limit how long it takes, even though it will decrease volume.
@mountainview 2-2.5 hours sounds like a really long time. The way I set it up, I lifted one heavy compound every workout (bench/squat/DL) and then one accessory, and I was able to do that in about one hour. Generally, I'd say that doing all the sets properly for one lift is better than doing half the sets for two of them. That's just me, though.
@011235813 No one should be bulking on 2.5 hours for 5 days. At most I bulk 4 days a week and usually 3 on Lyle's Generic Bulk Routine. Put on good size on a +300 surplus. Now cutting on same routine but dropped 1 set from a couple of workouts to bring volume down.
@011235813 100g whey pr day? Idk, I have to be carefull with the stuff or else I get lactose intolerance symptoms(growly stomach, inflamed joints and bloating)

Workout days I eat soy bean pasta with meat, 40% protein, I think the animal estrogen in milk has more uptake than the plant estrogen from soy.