Review of Igor Voitenko's 0-100 28 day program + before/after


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Just here for the before/after?

After completing his 28-day challenge I felt like I needed to share my opinion.

Before my review, a bit about me. Feel free to skip this:​

I'm fairly new to working out. I've been pretty atheletic most of my life, but I didn't start exercising for weight or muscle gain until earlier this year. I spent 3 months going to the gym 6 times a week doing a routine given to me by a personal trainer. My trainer heavily emphasized eating the right amount and sticking to macros. This got me from 145-155. Once COVID hit and shut everything down I tried doing free-weights for a bit before hearing about resistance bands. I was living in an AirBnB at the time and it just suited my lifestyle better. I spent the next 3 months doing the 12-week program from Undersun Fitness that came with my resistance bands. When I finished the program I was at 165 and decided to do a cut down to 160. I continued to do the resistance bands exercises because I was happy with them and wasn't sure what to do next. Once I hit 158, I decided it was time to start bulking and try something new. That's when I found Igor Voitenko's program.

I followed the program to a tee. I got every workout into Todoist and did everything according to plan including the optional exercises.


  • Lots of push-ups led to growth in my chest and triceps
  • The pacing was intense enough that I didn't feel a need for additional cardio
  • The abs routines were awesome and I usually felt them the next day
  • The legs routine was killer but short
  • It was easy to get the workouts into Todoist and jump right to when the workout started
  • The daily workouts never took more than 30 minutes


  • The biceps exercises didn't really do anything for me. The arms routine felt more like a chest routine since there were so many push-ups. Maybe I was doing something wrong.
  • The back routine wasn't intense enough with the only resistance being the weight of my arms, a water-bottle, or a towel.
  • Not enough details on proper form. Yes, I could watch him closely, but without enough direction I couldn't always tell where I was supposed to feel something.

The Results:​

  • Weighed 160 (gained 2 pounds)
  • I may have lost some belly fat (there wasn't much before, but it seemed more trim)
  • The after photo compared to the before photo doesn't actually look all that different.


  • Decent workout, but I'll be switching back to resistance bands and supplementing with Igor's ab routine for 28 days to see how that goes
@elena_c Thank you so much! I'm on my 2nd day in his workout. I feel it's a good workout program for someone who is starting out like me. Wishing you all the best!
@elena_c Also did the 0 to 100 program and +1 to most of what you are saying! Did this as a couple so can say from the male + female perspective

tldr: good program for someone starting from nothing and wanting to get back into it

  • Good workout for accountability because you do something everyday
  • Abs, legs workouts are solid
  • Felt stronger after the program, even if I didn't get that many gains aesthetically
  • Supplemented a LOT of the days because we didn't feel like 10 min a day would get you anywhere. Supplemented sometimes with cardio like running and biking, and once a week with a HIIT workout w/ medium weights like Rachel Fitness' classes
  • Back workouts were really bad IMO and we started skipping them near the end since we have weights at home
  • Programs didn't progress / get harder. Day 20 felt a lot like Day 5 for example. And we felt like our bodies were getting stronger so the classes were getting easier.
@keylii Speaking from that position, I wouldn't say it's great for someone starting from nothing. Day 1 and I'm super confused. There's no tutorial so some stuff I have to look up how do (like wtf is a V hold). Also, I could barely move in the process of working out, but honestly didn't feel super tired afterwards, which is contrary to the Athlean X home workout I picked up for a few months at the beginning of last year and felt more like the times I would go to the gym and use machines I didn't know how to work. I'll finish 10 at least, but I can't see myself sticking with this long-term.
@ken4jesus I've continued doing Igor's ab routine 5 times a week and have gone back to doing a variety of resistance band exercises. I built a bar using plumbing materials ($35) from Home Depot and a platform with wood ($15) to take my band exercises to the next level.
@elena_c Personally, It does work for me as my body composition change a bit. My muscle tissue go from 37.5% to 39.4% and my body fat decrease 19 % to 16.6 %. I take protein supplement but other than that my diet is pretty much the same. My weight also doesn't change(I'm a pretty skinny guy too at 5"11.5 and 157 pounds)