Right track?


New member

Just needed a few advice to see if i’m on the right track. I’ve decided on forward to lose weight and gain muscle in a sustainable way. I try to hit my protein of 120 g every day (the minimum i go is still around 100), walk 8-10k steps a day and strength train 3-4/wk progressive overload. I eat around 1300-1400 calories and currently weighing 128 lbs or 58kg and i’m 5’1 ft tall. I do want to have a slim build and not bulk up 🥲 so any advice on making sure i do not bulk up with weight lifting
@dersaemann Hello! sounds like we have very similar stats!

I personally had a trainer who told me “lift as heavy as possible” so i did that. But prior to getting this trainer i was in the gym for about 1.5 years and I was consistent, I did lift but never super heavy.

I was eating around 15-1600 cals which is still a deficit for me.

now after the month i was with my trainer, I didn’t “bulk up” but I honestly looked bulkier bc the heavy lifting was putting a lot of stress on my body, causing me to look bloated.

so tbh yes I still lift but I significantly decreased my weights, I don’t lift over 100lbs for anything I keep more for my legs 50-60 lbs and my arms under 20lbs. I also do more sets and higher reps (for ex: hip thrust 4-6 sets of 10 reps w/ 45 lbs) I also incorporate 20-30 mins of cardio 4x a week and lift 1-3x (depends on my schedule)

it’s been abt 1.5 months since the incident of the trainer and i feel better and less bloated ! and have lost abt 5lbs since then

But this is my experience, so can’t say 100% it will work but i’ve been thru many different routines and workouts until i found what worked for me, so honestly I recommend trying different methods for a month and if you’re seeing results and feeling good then stick to that!
@dersaemann The more active u are, the more calories your body need too. So just be A Little aware of that, so ure body dont hold on the fat. I personally lost more eating a little bit more calories, and also wasn’t so tired. Now this doesn’t need to be you’re case, but it was a learning experience for me🙏. MyFitnessPal and lifesum adjust this good and also take in consideration how active u are at work too.