It’s okay if you don’t want to do at home workouts right now

@mam2011 Thank you so much for this 🥰 it does feel a bit like grief - I've been fighting depression for a while and moved to Toronto about a month ago. I was so excited to get a change and have more opportunities, and my mental health was starting to get better than it had been in years, but the city shut down almost right after we got here. It almost feels like I'm mourning the excitement and optimism I was starting too feel.

I've been having everything bagels with (vegan) margarine and they are SO comforting tbh. Definitely would recommend it.
@mam2011 Thank you for sharing this, I really helped to shed light on what I'm feeling in this confusing time.

I feel like this is all I can talk about on Reddit this week, but I've had an absolutely traumatizing month and it has nothing to do with Coronavirus. I think I was in denial that I was grieving, but to have someone say it like that, I feel like the floodgates have opened.

Thank you.
@mam2011 It makes sense. I'm grieving my ability to go take barre and spin classes. I'm grieving my ability to socialize in person and visit family. I'm grieving the cancelation (well, indefinite postponement) of our epic trip to California, and our plan to see Beetlejuice on Broadway. I'll most likely be grieving my job next week and grieving my previous sense of economic stability.
@mam2011 Oh my gosh, thanks for sharing this article! It is somehow helpful to name the feeling.

I don't have bagels or Mario, but my equivalent is cinnamon raisin english muffins and Settlers of Catan :D
@bleslikethat I agree. If I spend two hours of my 24 day at home being productive, I’ll call that a win. I’m not going to force myself to find some new task or activity to do just to feel productive every hour of the day.

And honestly, mario and bagels sounds REALLY good right now
@courtneekmroberts You're absolutely right - I'm trying really hard to just aim for a couple of hours of productivity and be satisfied with that.

My husband got me a switch for Christmas and tbh his timing could not have been better - Mario is providing me so much comfort haha. As are the bagels 🤤
@gumcareblog I think I need this more than I realized. I’ve convinced myself that not lifting heavy at the gym 2x a week and doing home workouts instead means I have to work out 5+ times a week now, which is rapidly starting to feel like, yep, orthorexic high school me doing YT workouts in my bedroom. I know I need to move every day for my mental health, but I need to convince myself that “moving” doesn’t have to mean “45 mins of muscle-fatiguing calisthenics”.

Anyway, thanks, is what I’m saying. 💕
@mam2011 I don't know where you are, but in most places you're still able to go walk if you keep your distance/don't go to super crowded places. Taking my pup to the park has helped keep me sane!

I've also started dancing in the mornings to combat the struggle of waking up (since time is losing all meaning..). Not anything structured, just some seriously dorky bopping to upbeat music. It's a great way to get moving without worrying about reps or whatever 😊
@gumcareblog I think I really needed this. I'd just begun my fitness journey about a two months ago, and it took a while just to get going to the gym regularly. After I started to enjoy the burn of a workout, it was easier to motivate myself.

And then lockdown hit, and I came to terms with the fact that it'll be a while until I can go back to that.

I was feeling super guilty because I did not have motivation to work out at home. It's tougher, and I don't have enough space nor privacy for it.

Thank you for this post.

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