Routine for Pull-ups

@linenthesand You can aim for a McGill Pull Up, which is explosive but not kipping. You can try lengthened partials, basically a cap pull and a pull up to only 90° or so of elbow bend and rep that out to strengthen the lats by accumulating volume where they’re strongest so that you can work towards a full pull up. And of course you can do what you have been, negatives and scap pulls. Of course it is always a good idea to use inverted rows as well.
@linenthesand Band assisted pull ups are great (in concert with other pulling movements). Don't leave them behind either - I can do a decent amount of pullups but I still use band assisted pull ups just to get a ton of reps in.
@linenthesand I rock climbed at a gym weekly for a few months before I got a pull up bar and was shocked I could only do 2 pull ups without letting go. But that's what I did, sets of 2. Did 10 sets a day until I could do 5. Now I'm at 10. If your arms hurt too much doing every day, do pull ups 5 days a week
@linenthesand A lot of people recommending negatives but I wouldn't do that. If your grip strength isn't there yet, it can cause tendonitis which will really set you back. I'd suggest jackknife pull ups or band assisted pull ups instead. Bands are not expensive to get and very effective.
@linenthesand For me band assisted pullups helped more than negatives. I did them every other day. I bought 3 bands and started with as many pullups as I could on the weakest band, then as many as I could on the middle band and then as many as I could on the strongest band. Then I'd rest for a while (at least 15 minutes of something other than pullups) and then I would do it again, rest, and do it one last time. In a couple of weeks I could do a regular pull-up with good form.
@linenthesand To do negatives efficiently:

Aim for 5-6 seconds from the highest point to the lowest. Try to spend equal time in every position, to gain strength in all ranges of motion. I had someone who was reciting the seconds to me "1... 2... 3..." I knew at 3-4 I needed to be with the arms at about 90 degrees, going for the lower part of the pull up.

Elastic bands are great to boost morale when you gain enough strength to go from a thicker one to a thinner one, but negatives are what really build strength.