S&S audio book vs ETK e-book


New member
I've got access to buying S&S only as an audiobook through iTunes (I have a gift card). ETK is available as an e-book.

I'm leaning towards getting both, but I haven't found much commentary or review of the S&S audiobook. Has anyone here listened to it who would like to comment?
@unstoppable1 Strongfirst forums has mentions of people getting the S&S audiobook but not sure anyone reviewed it from beginner's point of view.

I'd get the book, it's also better for referencing and pictures are useful, and use the gift card for something else.
@unstoppable1 I own the audio book and kindle version of S&S. I first started with the audio book, listened to it in an afternoon while doing yard work, and then bought the kindle version the same day for the pictures.

I personally like both, because once I knew what was going on in the pictures, I could listen to the book over and over again during my commute to work.

Sounds nuts to read it over and over, but the reason this book is so short is because its very information-dense. You're gonna miss really important stuff if you just read it once.

I wish I could do the same with ETK, but there isn't an audio version of it. :(

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