S&S or Q&D for a beginner?


New member
A few years back I began working on S&S but became de-motivated after a change in jobs. I've fooled around with bodyweight exercises in the meantime but am lacking strength. I want to get back into KBs and am wondering which of these two by Pavel you would recommend.

I'm placing myself at the beginner level and have two primary goals: strength and weight-loss.

Thanks for your help.
@kingsley With a 32kg bell:

10x10 single arm swings in under 5 minutes

Rest 1 minute, then:

10x1 Turkish Get-Ups completed in under 10 minutes

Both done by alternating arms each set.
@matthewleaird Good luck.

I recently reached the simple standard and started incorporating some Q&D into my training.

I think it is still worthwhile to read the Q&D book, even if you are not immediately starting the training. I appreciated a lot of the science and ideas Q&D had to offer.

Enjoy your training!
@matthewleaird S&s for sure. You build the right technique before you start trying to run against the clock. Can't recommend it enough. Even if you aren't a beginner, S&S is a great program. I use it as a deload between cycles of clean and jerk. Really helps center you and you get strength gains and conditioning. Do S&S first and go back to it when you finish the first cycle of Q&D.
@matthewleaird Neither. Look up Dan Martin's program minimum on Google and do a variant of that (it's evolved over time) instead. I like the one listed in Dan John's old Lifetime Warrior PDF.

The combination of presses (or push ups, but I prefer presses), swings and goblet squats, done as many days as you can tolerate, will last most people a lifetime, from beginner to advanced.