Seeking reassurance and inspiration: how long did it take you to get to your pre-baby weight?


New member
I’m 13 weeks postpartum after having a C-section and started consistently working out and eating properly about 5 weeks ago to get back to my pre-baby body (CW: 145 lbs; GW: 125 lbs). While I know it takes over a month — especially for a 5”1’ woman like myself — to lose weight and see progress, I only seem to be gaining weight thus far. As you can imagine, I’m feeling very discouraged at this moment in time.

To all the mamas in this community, I’d love some reassurance that the hard work will eventually pay off and it is possible get back to a pre-pregnancy weight, even if my body may look different than it did before. If you’re willing to share, I’d also love to hear about how you got (or are getting) to your pre-baby weight and what it took for you to get there.

For background, I’m currently using Macro Factor to log everything I’m eating (weighing food and all), and am averaging ~1300 calories per day. I also work out 5-6x/week doing a mix of strength training and running intervals using the Peloton app for 50 mins on average, and am supposedly burning anywhere between 450-650 calories per gym session according to my Apple Watch.

Thank you in advance for your words of wisdom and support!
@bluestarsky I got within 7 pounds of prebaby weight. Then I decided to heck with the scale. Now I weight train 3 times a week, run 4 to 5 times a week and am training for an ultra marathon. I'm stronger than ever. I'm sure I weigh more and my arms and legs look awesome. I eat enough to build muscle and stick to eating mostly healthy.

Our bodies are different after having a baby and that's okay. It isn't all about the scale if you don't want it to be. Congrats on the kiddo!
@aussiealways Thanks for sharing! I’m already feeling pretty strong just over a month in, and know it’ll only continue. Hoping I lose inches eventually, even if my weight on the scale isn’t moving too much.
@bluestarsky I got back down in maybe 10 months? I only gained about 25lbs. I’m pretty dense and was heavier to begin with. I had a hard time with breastfeeding at first so I didn’t want to fuck around with a deficit. I didn’t really work out too much but I remember I ran a half marathon was my daughter was 14mo.
@jaz2001 That’s amazing! I just started getting into running before my pregnancy, but am hoping I’ll develop the endurance to one day complete a half marathon 😅
@bluestarsky Are you breastfeeding? That will play a huge factor in weight loss. If you are, your body will hold on to extra fat as reserves for your milk supply. It took me 18 months to get back to my pre-baby weight (I was nursing) while also working out 2-3 days a week and eating quality foods.
@grlchatterbox33 I’m no longer breastfeeding — started weaning when he was 8 weeks old. But very good to know how long it took you! I realize I just need to keep motivated that I’ll get results I’m seeking eventually; it’ll just take time. 🙂
@bluestarsky Yes, consistency and patience are key! Your body has gone through SO MUCH and the postpartum period is no joke. Give yourself time and space to fully recover, then focus on weight loss. You got this!
@bluestarsky I’m 8 months pp and about the same height and weight as you. I suggest that you keep doing what you’re doing and make sure you’re focusing not on the number on the scale, but on how you’re feeling. And give yourself a good 6-8 months to lose the weight. Remember, you want to also be strong, not just lose the weight, because if you try to just lose weight to see the number on the scale move, you really won’t have the strength to keep up with your baby and from personal experience, you’ll feel crappy AND it won’t be sustainable, because life with a baby can be pretty hard sometimes. And also, give yourself grace. Your baby is still quite young, so sleep might also be scarce.

Again, based on personal experience, I’d suggest throwing the scale away, lol. And just focus on working out, eating well, and feeling strong.
@bluestarsky You are doing great. I just want to add a couple of things: First of all, even though you're not breastfeeding, your hormones won't go back to pre-pregnancy hormones for about a year. That plays a role in weight loss. Second, you are just three months out from a MAJOR surgery. And you have a new baby! I totally get being in a hurry (and I was there too). And/but, give yourself some grace. Your body built a human, and then you had major surgery for this human's birth. Wow!

I'm similar to you in terms of stats: I was like 163 at the top of my first pregnancy, pre-preg weight was like 128. I think I was back to around 130 in a few months, and that was after a c-section. BUT. It took me a couple of years to get my strength back, especially in my core. With my second, a VBAC, I gained less and was down to like 140 pretty quickly, and/but it took me like 2.5 years to really start to get back to the strength I'd had. There were a lot of reasons for that length of time: pandemic (he was born in 2020), I had health problems after the birth, plus by then I had two kids, work stuff, etc. I was also gentler with myself because I knew I'd get there. I'm at like 125 now, and strong again, but sidelined now for about 6 weeks because I just had an appendectomy (which sucks, but c-section recovery is still worse).

I would really make sure that you are focusing on nutrition--getting enough protein to help your body continue to heal--and sleep. Because those are both big parts of weight loss and muscle-building. (I've always found it hard to lose weight if I'm not getting enough sleep, no matter what I'm doing.) I don't know your calorie situation totally but from what you're describing, 1300 calories seems way too few.

Good luck, congratulations on the baby. You will get there.