Seeking strength programming recommendations for 52y/o finishing Greyskull LP w/ Phraks variant


New member
I've been lifting on and off for a few years, but never for more than a few months at a time. After about an 18-month break I restarted Greyskull LP in late August and have seen my numbers go up steadily until recently using a 3x/w schedule. However, as I'm starting to get failed sets and Greyskull is supposedly only intended to be used for a few months, I'm looking for a new program that satisfies the following criteria:
  1. 3-4 workouts per week
  2. Designed for strength, not size
  3. Relatively simple to follow (if there's an Android app I can use that's a huge plus)
  4. 50+ friendly
Here are my current stats and E1RMs in pounds:
  • M52 ~185# w/ 18-20% bf
  • Eating ~40%p, 40%c, 20%f with ~500kCal deficit
  • SQ: 335, DL: 395, OHP: 140, BP: 215, Barbell Row: 175, Chinup: 54
I've looked at 5/3/1 and the Texas Method. 5/3/1 seems promising, but it's not clear which variant I should select based on my criteria. TM looks attractive, but perhaps too much volume for my age. I've heard that you can skip the mid-week workout to compensate, but working out only two days a week seems low to me.

I would appreciate any advice, especially from those who have been in a similar situation.
@levit7 Thank you for your suggestions and resources. I'll check them out.

FWIW, I'm not opposed to increasing size, but my ultimate goal is longterm strength and mobility as I continue to age.
@quos Thanks. I'm happy with that, too. I can do several chinups with my 6y/o daughter holding onto me, much to her (and my) delight.
@nrg23 In the short time I've had since my post I read a bit about gzcl. It sounds promising. I'll definitely read more about it. Thanks!