Should I compete? Opinion about my physique, progress

@%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE Compete if you want to man thats all that matters. There's plenty of beginner friendly amateur comps out there to get your feet wet in.

Regarding your physique your legs are extremely underdeveloped. The kind of leg development you need to balance your physique out or make this huge weakpoint a strong point would take a good two years to do naturally. Obviously this is only my opinion and there's a huge amount of factors at play. I think overall there's a lot of work to be done to continue speaking honestly.

Finally, If you want to compete and take it seriously it will absolutely take time and energy. Prepping for a bodybuilding comp is one of the most physically and mentally demanding things you could do. And your relationships/work will very likely be impacted in one way or another.