Should this forum create a ‘Recommended Warmup’ routine?

@menacebysociety So, the wrist warmup isn’t JUST for your wrists. I skipped them in the past and got a nasty case of tennis elbow from using the rings. No matter what jokes are made about tennis elbow, it f’n hurts. It also never occurred to me (and it sounds like you as well) how some of my body’s muscles and joints are connected and what will happen if I skip a warmup exercise.

This goes for a lot of things. I’ve had very tight and sore hamstrings and glutes for days because I did an upper body ring workout and never stretched my lower body. Warmup stretching is more preventative, so you may not realize the benefit until you’re injured. While post-workout stretching is the benefit we feel immediately, so it’s super obvious how it helps.
@mrpareh Holy shit, this just explained a ton to me. Two or three months ago I was doing jackknife pull-ups on rings and something in my elbow "snapped". Been braced ever since and had to avoid most upper-body workouts. Adding wrist warm-ups whenever I can do upper body again.
@mrpareh You are absolutely right. While I actually do know how stuff is connected in my body, I didn’t consider that the wrist warmup was not only for the wrists (which makes me so much more of an idiot). Adding it to my warmup routine again for sure!
@menacebysociety I really like the idea. There should be enough explanation that helps you pick and choose which exercises are best for you. Like I remember when I first started working out, my hamstrings needed a lot of warming up, way more than the rest of my body and I imagine other people are different there too.

We also need different amounts of warm depending on the time of day.

I'm trying to do my bodyweight work in the morning so I need more than if I were to do it in the afternoon or evening, and if I were to do it after my sport training, I wouldn't need any because I would already be warmed up.

But having a library of suggested exercises and descriptions of what it's doing would help and I like the idea of it being separated from a routine because tbh, I could see someone doing a warmup everyday just to get their body going even if it's not tied in to anything else that day. OR warming up before stretching instead of BW lifting.
@adangut This. Some people seem to get obsessed with these endless warm-ups that take half as long (or more) as the actual workout itself. Becomes the ridiculous complication. Unless someone is going for competition-level training sessions, the vast majority of people doing BW routines or calisthenics just need enough cardio to get the blood pumping a bit and do some light sets of any movements that mimic what one is going to for the workout. It's kind of funny to me when I see someone in the gym doing these long warm-ups that take 20-30 minutes for a session that could have easily just taken 5 minutes on a cardio machine and some dynamic stretches.

do cardio until you break a light sweat - swing your arms and legs around a few times (dynamic stretches) - do some extra stretching for anything that feels tight

can i combine these into just playing beat saber and synth riders as my warmup?
@menacebysociety Here is my simple warmup:

Shoulder circles or Shoulder dislocates

Wrist warmup

Easy bodyweight squats (whatever progression is easy for you)

At the end of the workout I do those as prehab:


Wrist curl

Reverse wrist curl

External rotation

Calf Raises
@tash1982 Though one of the reasons for the BWSF backlash is that the mods didn't solicit feedback on it here like they did with previous routines. They only asked the much smaller community of Discord users, so a lot of people were taken aback by the changes.

Them listening to more subreddit feedback would be nice.
@menacebysociety I certainly think so. A lot of my injuries may have been prevented better with more quality warm-ups. It would be great to help prevent others from suffering the same things I've endured.
@menacebysociety Going through the motions of the actual workout (sometimes prioritizing the first exercise) with a light load or no load at all has always been a common sense minimum warmup. 10 minutes for me is a bare minimum to loosen up but even less than that seems to be enough for some people.
@menacebysociety A list of "if you're going to do these exercises, we suggest these warmups for each" would be great.

So would a list of "if you're doing these exercises, we suggest these stretches".