Should this forum create a ‘Recommended Warmup’ routine?


New member
Sparked from the recent debate re: RR and BWSF and from my own beginner experience - I wondered if there would be a place for a ‘Recommended Warmup’ routine?

I have used the RR suggestions for warmup myself, but modified- as I gather most people do, which in turn seems to be the main argument for not including a specific warmup routine in the BWSF. Yet everyone agrees that proper warmup is essential in avoiding injury.

So what I, being a beginner, would really like was a post detailing why warmup is important and should be prioritised, and then listing a number of (video linked) exercise alternatives that you could pick from, based on what the warmup is for (I.e. to warm up for pull-type exercises, do either A,B or C but definitely always D)
@menacebysociety Absolutely! There is so much out there that it‘s hard for me to decide what warm ups I should do, so I‘d be very happy about a well structured recommended warm up routine from here!

This resource used to be listed, I think? It might have been on the flexibility sub instead.

Either way, Phrakture's Molding Mobility includes a joint warmup and a muscle group warmup that has done a good job for me to hit the important places before starting the workout.

Add in Phrakture's Starting Stretching routine for post-work and you've got a pretty solid system for healthy joints and muscles.
@athiestderp I do MM every morning when i get up even on off days. Been using it for years before the RR (in its current state) or BSWF was ever a thing.
@vnct0000 The flexibility sub has one called Starting to Stretch. It's an awesome starting point to cover some of the low hanging fruit and also work toward the exciting stuff like splits, toe touches and pancakes.
@navyenduring Agreed - part of what's psychologically difficult about the warmup routine is if it feels more or less like an identical activity to the workout, it's super difficult to be motivated and feel like you're using your time well.

Like, I'm trying to just get into working out at all. I'd rather just do one set of exercises and take it a little easier than double the length of the ordeal for a nominal benefit.

I can imagine it could be physiologically optimal - I don't need physiologically optimal, I need psychologically optimal. Something that will keep me coming back. If that means slowing progress per session, so be it - that's better than burning out and not doing it at all.
@menacebysociety Yes please.

In the recent RR x BWSF threads I saw some posts that were down on Yuri's shoulder warmup, and probably for good personal reasons. Adding it to my routine a couple months ago has been really helpful with pec tension and getting and maintaining good balance in my shoulder girdle or whatever it's called. I didn't see any posts down on the wrist warmup - and that's been super helpful for me too. But I'm sure there are some dos and don'ts and pros and cons to different warmup elements. I'd LOVE to see that get hashed out so in the end there are e.g. suggested beginner warmups, suggested warmups if you've been at this a while, and some guidelines around e.g. joint stretches so people don't bang themselves up by accident.
@menacebysociety I think defining a „proper“ warm up tends to become needlessly long. I definitely think that happened in the RR
For most people it should just be
- do cardio until you break a light sweat
- swing your arms and legs around a few times (dynamic stretches)
- do some extra stretching for anything that feels tight
@adangut From my basic understanding, I do agree that a 'complete' warmup that everyone agrees on would likely be unnecessarily long. Which i guess is why people adapt to their own customizations. But I do think that it would be great to have sort of a library of warmup exercises that you could choose from when creating your own warmup routine, some more broad and some specific/thematic.

For example, I really like Yuri's shoulder band exercise. I really feel how it loosens and prepares my shoulders for working out, and I found it only because it was recommended in the RR. On the contrary I find the wrist prep routine to be a bit over the top. I have no wrist problems and I feel that my wrists warm up just fine via the other exercises that I do, so I skip that one.