Sickness keeps hampering progress

@jeremiahk I wear a mask for this reason. Covid gives your immune system a serious hit, and you are more likely to get every other illness going through your office. As well, it can effect many of the organs in your body. Try to minimize how many times you get it.
@christvision28 Yeah I’ve only had covid once and that was over a year ago. I don’t think wearing a mask in the office is practical for me and no one else does it so will seem quite odd.
@jeremiahk I don’t have much advice, has the same problem and it’s so frustrating 😭 plus I feel like people might think it’s because I’m vegan… work at a hospital and just meet to much people.
@jeremiahk Might have to eat more. Especially if you’re eating healthy. You keep getting sick because your immune system (gut microbiome) is weak. Hopefully you’re also eating a well balanced diet and not carb restricting.
Also, you are looking for ways to train although you’re sick. Make sure health is your goal, aesthetics will come later.
@eddym67 I don’t train if I’m really sick, like at the moment I have covid. I eat a big variety of food and don’t restrict anything. Lots of kombucha and sauerkraut regularly, plenty of legumes & fresh veggies. I don’t think I’m lacking in calories at all but I appreciate you raising that and I’ll keep an eye on it.