Smalletics question


New member
(Yes, I have searched the forum for mentions of Smalletics and read all the threads. :-D )

I've been doing CICO in addition to my usual (longstanding) strength and cardio routine since June with modest results (0.5lb weekly loss). I recently stumbled across the r/intermittentfasting sub and tried IF last week. Still lost 0.5 lbs. Smalletics promises a bigger payout for the effort, but as far as I can tell it is mostly about incorporating strength and not just trying to burn it all off with cardio (sound advice but not a surprise). And I think she is big on high protein and eating less of a deficit.

Anyway, between CICO, IF, and Smalletics, my head is spinning about how I should proceed. Can anyone relate? PS, I cannot exercise more than I already do.
@whitab I relate!! I watch her channel but idk if I 100% agree. She seems to be sort of against a deficit and calorie counting but its what is most effective for me. IF doesnt work for me at all.

Im 100% for the resistance training though. Adding dumbbell/bodyweight exercises to my routine earlier this year changed my life.

What is your question exactly though, and what is your goal?
@lapinot My question is, I seem to be getting different information from different sources - eat less, eat more, fast, don't fast - and I wonder which direction to take. I also wonder if there is something to Smalletics beyond eat protein and build muscle. My goal is to lose fat and gain msucle. But you can't gain muscle in a deficit and you can't lose fat in a surplus.
@whitab Good questions and I don’t think there is one answer. My most recent ‘fitness journey’ included exactly what you said- loose fat and build muscle. I found that it was much easier to loose fat than build muscle but that might be because I was eating in a deficit. I did manage to retain and even build a little muscle though (you can see my post history for dexa results) so i guess it depends on how much fat you want to loose and what is more important to you, the loose part or the gain part.

I can answer the fasting question and the honest answer is that its personal preference. Fasting is not required to loose weight but it can be a helpful tool for some people. For me personally, i find CICO to be adequately effective and I just found IF frustrating and too restricting. If it works for you, great! If not,
Dont sweat it!

In terms of eat less vs more, definitely dont eat less than 1200 but really the best way is to figure out your TDEE first and from there you can decide what you want to do- loose some fat, cut 100-200 cals, gain some muscle, add 100-200 cals. Either way, aim for 1g protein per lb of lean mass you are hoping for (or total weight, just keep in might that will be a higher number) and that should be a good starting point!
@whitab You should read articles specifically about body recomposition if you’re trying to lose fat, and gain muscle - that’s called recomposition. From reading for my own recomp journey, this is what I’ve picked up in a nutshell:

To lose fat, you need to still eat in a deficit (but not as great a deficit as if you were just concerned w/ weight loss), eat ample protein, and include strength training all muscle groups 2-3x a week
@whitab IF and OMAD are good for when you want to volume eat and feel full without going over your TDEE calorie goal because it limits your eating window

i’ve personally found a lot of success with both because it stops me from eating when i’m bored or when i’m not actually hungry

and make sure you’re drinking enough water!!!

20F 5’0” SW150lbs CW125lbs GW100lbs
@tarryn After one week of IF (aka skipping breakfast) I have suddenly found myself less hungry and snacky. This week I did eat breakfast, albeit smaller than my usual, because I was less hungry, and I felt more "in control" all day. Wonder if I somehow reset my appetite during that one week.

I do not feel so hot when I skip breakfast, but it is nice having two larger meals. I wouldn't do it on a morning bike ride day though.