Snatch progression...rep n rest queery


New member
I want to understand the kettlebell progression program. Usually weights work with sets and reps with rest times for strength, hypertrophy or stamina; but the kettlebell programs recomend 10 minute EMOM cycles...Why? What is the benefit of such programing?
What would be a good snatch progression program for example?
@psalmofmercy Depends on your goals mostly. If your goal is to do a lot of reps in a given time interval, say 5 min or 10 min, emom is one of the easiest way to organize it, and its pretty straightforward to increase volume and density with it. I like emoms because they don't require any thought during the workout, just a beeper. Many 'benchmarks' call for it (lots of reps in a given time):

The rkc snatch test is 100 snatch in 5 minutes with 24kg for males.

The rite of passage calls for 200 in 10 min.

The ssst and ussst test 10 min snatch with 24 and 32 kg with 200 rep being a 'good' score.

And sportstyle also features 10 minutes of snatches with one hand switch.

On the other hand there are prominent programs that definitely don't call for emoms - the quick and the dead comes to mind and simple and sinister (the latter uses swings, but the principle could be used the same)
@rodm1974 Thanks, that helps. I guess my goals are to utilise the kbs i have to the max without having to buy more while perfecting form and strength. I do a light swing with 20 kg and heavy swing with a 24 (as per Wildman's recommendations). I"ll play around a bit more to feel out my ability.🤔