So many women want to lift weights without getting bulky, but how many of us here *do* want to lift weights and get bigger?

@biblicalquality (un)fortunately for me lifting weight means getting a bit bulky. I am short and build muscle quite easily. I am not aiming for being bulky, but I am accepting/loving it to be part of being strong and healthy ;)
@moorerobert904 yep me too. I am at peace with my stumpy build and almost at peace with my inability to find clothes that fit off the rack. No way in hell am I going to stop trying to get stronger!
@biblicalquality OH YES. I want the biggest legs possible, and give me huge everything else too. I love it. The bigger I get the more empowered I feel, the more confident I am, the more I feel like myself.

And I wanna compete in figure so there's that.
@biblicalquality i've always wanted those thick muscly legs and butt like some girls have.. plus... i have all this loose skin from when i lost all my weight before.. might as well fill it back up with muuuuscccles
@infomommax Yes, me too! My upper body is starting to really have definition through the lose skin. My legs still suck, but I'm getting there. I love looking strong and not needing anyone's help. Like ever.
@biblicalquality I care what I look like but care more about what I am trying to achieve. My focus is mostly powerlifting and running, so I look like a 'power runner'. I am by no means tiny and honestly am happier and healthier for it.

I want to be really f*ckin strong and really fast as well.

I hope to be huge... maybe intimidating even!
@biblicalquality I've been trying to bulk up for about a year but got incredibly sick and lost ask my gains. Bulking up is the only way I can gain any weight. I love how I look with defined deltoids and biceps.

A lot of my encouragement comes from lurking r/swoleacceptance. They're very welcoming of swole maidens, anyone who worships at the iron temple.

Edited to add: a friend recommended to me a site called Lift Big, Eat Big and it's exactly what it sounds like.
@thegirlwhoswaiting All who are swole or who seek to be swole are welcome at the temple of Brodin. For even if you are not yet swole in body, or if Brodin in His wisdom has decreed that it is not to be, what we all truly seek to to be swole in all ways, in body, in mind, and in heart.
