Some struggles living in Japan and deciding to take back control of my weight

@prodigalson8523 I saw it hot 41C last month. I hope cooler weather makes it easier to exercise.

Completely unrelated, but are there places you like to shop for clothes? I really liked Muji back in 2015 but in 2023 could not find nearly the same selection. :(
@abastzar That was crazy temperature!! Good thing at my school we had summer break so I could stay home for most of that time.

About clothes, there’s a plus sized store at Sunshine City Ikebukuro. But it’s a bit pricy. Honeys has an LL selection that’s nice for work.
@prodigalson8523 I would get a second thyroid test done. Sometimes your thyroid can look fine when it is still out of whack. Happened to my mom, first test said she was fine, second one showed hypothyroidism.
@prodigalson8523 What helped me was omitting all sugar and high carbs. It really diminishes the cravings and stress eating. Like I can’t stay within a calorie deficit all week if I don’t do this! Counting calories, aerobic or hit exercising helps, walking outside too. Hypothyroidism and vitamin d deficiency are strongly linked from what I’ve read. Eating late can help not wanting something sweet later on in the evening and it shouldn’t hurt your weightloss goals. Good luck, you can do this!!
@but_first_coffee This just got me to take some vit D. I have hypothyroidism, treated, but I still have the symptoms. My vit D has been low before and I burn easily so don't go outside much. Thanks for the reminder of the link!
@prodigalson8523 Best of luck!!! You got this, just don't obsess over counting and don't do a drastic deficit, okay? - been there, done that - it wasn't nice and at some point I was crying every day. Remind yourself that even a 150 calorie deficit a day is a deficit and that losing slowly is better and more sustainable in the long run. No need to go 500-600 lower a day, you can and should find a deficit that helps you lose while staying energetic and feeling yourself.

Just out of curiosity, if the average height there is about 150-155, how much do you reckon ladies weigh? I know Japan can be notorious for beauty standards and such, that being slim is seen as a virtue and all that jazz, so just curious if we're talking 40-45 kgs lol, or in the range of 45-55 in your perception.

As a small person (153cm, 47-48 kg) but with a pretty squared body (played tennis for a long time, so no hour-glass figure I'm afraid, more like looking fit and athletic, but no boobs at all and not necessarily conventionally feminine), I always feel way bigger in my home country where women tend to be petite and gorgeous haha. I used to live in the Netherlands - man, I tell you I'd never felt slimmer in my life!! So, don't let that bother you too much. :)
@rachelcheyenne Thanks for being encouraging ❤️
My first day, I counted below 1200 calories and my partner got concerned 😓
Yesterday, I got to 1370. Gotta stick to slow and steady!! Thanks for the reminder~

Women here who are 150cm go from 48-41kg, but I’ve seen some girls try for below that. It’s crazy.

You’re another poster who has talked about the Netherlands!
Different places, different perspectives~
@prodigalson8523 41?! Oh my good lord, that is extreme.

Haha and true that! Dutch women are actually very healthy in my view, many of them, just tall, big, strong legs, all that. Petites are uncommon haha. :)

Good luck, 1300-1400 .. keep that as your goal/minimum :)
@prodigalson8523 I’m here to support you! I’ve also been in Japan for about 10 years and my weight has been up and down. I got back to the gym this year, finally, after having my son a few years ago.
Also, the women here are skinny but a lot of them go about it in an extremely unhealthy way. Something like 35% are underweight. Haven’t you seen the shelves full of diet products and zero calorie foods?
A girl I worked with lost so much weight before her wedding because she basically starved herself.
Even at my thinnest here, I really struggled to find clothes because of my body shape. A lot of the western shops also do ‘Asian fit’ so it’s becoming more of a challenge!

Anyway, what I’m saying is. You have a great attitude and don’t let the diet culture here influence you.
I hope you have a lovely wedding!
@prodigalson8523 When I first came it it was just so discouraging that I couldn’t fit into the clothes, couldn’t buy a bra etc. but I’ve just found my own way of doing things so it’s fine!

I am still here but I’m a Kanagawa girl :)
@prodigalson8523 They’re not bad at all but I find some of the clothes pretty shapeless. I can’t wear a lot of the styles Japanese women like, unfortunately. Uniqlo jeans/pants are pretty good though!
@prodigalson8523 I was recently watching something on youtube about this. It is extremely hard to find clothing if you're not tiny. And the pressure from family, freinds and strangers seems like a lot. Just strangers in a store telling you that you're fat. My self esteem would take a hit for sure in that environment.

10k steps a day always makes a difference for me with my weight. When I slack on my steps the weight creeps up. I'm glad you have a supportive partner and congrats on your upcoming wedding. Try not stress too much over losing weight before the wedding. I lost 5 lbs without really doing anything the month before my wedding because I was so wrapped up in finalizing all the details and catching up on work before the honeymoon I wasn't really snacking. Didn't have time.
@enoughhomeless Thanks for the congrats!
He’s the best guy~
I’ll keep my step count high! It’s a struggle because I have the temptation of taking the bus to my job haha. Yesterday I got 11200 steps in. Gonna try again today!
@prodigalson8523 Wishing you the best of luck!!

If you do exactly as you said, count macros, weight lifting, and 7-10k steps a day, you will definitely see the results you’re looking for. I’m 33F with a large bust, also and I’ve always focused on cardio stuff like treadmill, high intensity boot camps, etc which I loathe so I was never consistent. My husband got me into weight training and it didn’t take long to see changes in my body. I actually enjoy the workouts and being strong so I’ve been at it consistently for a year now.

I find that a quick 10 minute walk after lunch and/or supper helps me get the steps in. Even if it’s just walking in circles inside your house or work! Lol

Consistency is the key, so find a balance you enjoy and feel you can maintain. You’ve got this!
@prodigalson8523 You mentioned being on the pill. I gained so much weight when I was on the pill (a lot in my boobs so I’m not complaining too much 😂) but it was a huge shift from what I was used to. I wonder if trying a different birth control option might help since you might be working against hormones. Would talk to a doctor about it!