Starting from practically zero. Can a YouTube workout video work as a general routine?


New member
The video I have in mind.

I’m very, very unfit. I’m starting from, essentially, bed bound. I can do 5 minutes of the video before I’m completely and utterly exhausted, and that’s even with a 1-2 minute break.

The exercises in the video are approachable. I’m not intimidated by them, and they are all things I can generally do with slight modifications.

My goal is to improve my general fitness. Mostly better cardio health and, as I’m losing weight, a way to keep from losing too much muscle mass. I’m not to worried about gaining muscle or toning my body just yet.

Would it be beneficial to do the five minutes of the routine I can do, take a day or two rest, then give it my best again, or would it be detrimental as it’s not a full routine?
@jimreaper I am not a professional, but every bit helps. If you can see a physician and talk to them about your goals. They may be able to help guide you.

Also, I need to try and drop 40-50 lbs myself. I work full time, with mandatory overtime, and the poor diet and stress snacking had crept up the last few years. I've been putting it off for various excuses, but I'll start doing this video and checking in with you, if you'd be ok with it.
@jimreaper They have 5-10 minute videos on YouTube that I like to do. I recommend MadFit or Pamela Reif at you level. Don’t force yourself to start with 30 minutes.

Plus, You can do 3 videos at a time. If you want 30 minutes.
@thules Agreed. I would also recommend going for a walk. If she can't go around the block, walk out her front door and go to the sidewalk and back. When she can go 5 minutes, then add 5 minutes per week.
@jimreaper Anything is good to start with. You don’t have to follow a specific routine or even start with 30 mins. Just find a video or a walk that you enjoy and do that a few times a week and build up from there. Beginner gains are real and I’m right there with you, I’ve lost all my fitness with the pandemic and going back to school that’s online. We can do it!
@jimreaper If you haven't trained in a long time, you're already near your minimum natural muscle mass, so you won't lose much while losing fat. Just a note to avoid worrying.

That's a great workout! Pretty complete imo, all muscle groups trained. Keep using it if you enjoy it. Also it will feel great to be able to do more and more exercises as you get stronger and leaner.

Remember exercise is what builds strength and endurance, it doesn't actually cause weight loss, that's what your diet does. Make sure to stay in a caloric deficit and eat enough protein and fat. Weigh yourself daily/weekly to track progress. Reply/DM if you need more details/help.
@tifani I’m already losing weight based off my diet, about .5 pounds a week. I’m not exercise for weight loss, but for strength and better health.
@jimreaper Small, simple steps, like this, are a great way to improve over time. If this is easy, approachable, sustainable for you, continue doing it every other day until you can do the full video uninterrupted. It would be a great goal. Also, if you want to maximize your efforts, making sure to match your nutrition with a nutrient dense eating regimen could be beneficial for giving you more energy as you work through it:)