starting to lose steam with exercise routine plz help

I want to keep it brief

Recently turned 30

over the last year dieted with a severe intensity and lost 15 kgs now i hover between 68 to 70 kg depending on how strict i am with my calorie intake (tend to gain weight when i visit my parents / grandma)

started working out 2 days ago decided to do 4 days a week

focusing on lower body and core (body weight exercises only)- its a starter workout so nothing extreme

but with 20 mins warmup and 20 mins cooldown (with plenty of breaks between reps)

and around 1hr of lower body and core workouts (again,... with p[lenty of breaks b.w reps)

my body hurts everywhere

now the main issue

I am losing motivation to do the workout

first day i did a total of 14 different types of exercises

next day i did like 9

today I couldnt continue past 3

I decided I wan gonna work out for 7 days in a row for the first week so that I can get used to doing it daily.

what am i doing wrong. How do I keep motivated so to speak so that I stick to fitness for atleast 4 days a week.

I am making sure to watch yt shorts to correct my form

i am having a small coffee before workout (about 250 calories)

and I am taking vitamins keeeping hydrated.

plz help

(30 Non-Binary amab - height 165 cms ; weight 71kg )
@childofthealmighty You’re just starting out and you’re making a pretty common mistake - you’re going all in and punishing your body. Start small, build up to regaining your health, and celebrate your performance gains.

When I started I committed to doing 15 minutes of rowing every morning. It was such a struggle for me. Now I do a lot more and really enjoy it, but had I tried to do as much as I do today when I first started I probably would have quit.

Long term consistency and discipline is so much more important than trying to go all out and ending up tired, sore and unmotivated.
@childofthealmighty As /@ringstar already said, you need to start small and gradually build on that instead of starting a big dramatic routine that you won't be able to sustain. Once you get into the habit of exercising regularly, you'll find you have more strength and energy to be more ambitious.
@childofthealmighty pick an actual workout split. dont do this 7 days a week, intense, a billion exercise routine. youre setting yourself up for failure. this sub has a beginner wiki that can help you get started. but in essence nothing toooo good or really helpful usually comes from just winging it and creating your own program.

just look up an actual 'split'. any of them work
@childofthealmighty I would say do exercises every other day, do cardio on other days for 30 minutes, do up to 20 reps on pushups, squats,pull-up, and one minute planks, you are losing motivation because of being sore all the time,look up Marks Daily Apple on YouTube or the Web.
@childofthealmighty 31m, got into fitness last year in june - my app tells me I visited the gym 265 times and that would not count the days where I forgot my membership card (happens a lot xD) nor the days where I worked out elsewhere or at home.

I can tell you the top secret solution to your issue is a mixture of two things.

Mindset: Without a healthy mindset your journey is over before it began. I literally read a few books on the topic and my mindset changed/adapted quite a lot over the years. The mindset is what will keep your expectations and your selfesteem in check. If you have a mindset that allows progress and growth, no matter how slow, you are on a way better track than with a mindset that expects perfection. Cause only one of those will urge you to quit. When I started, all I thought about was going to the gym - that is it. I could turn around and walk home if I wanted to, that was allowed. I first needed to establish the routine of going - thats how small I started and now I go 6 days a week and am considered one of THE regulars in my gym. I knew I wanted to go 4-5 times a week back then, I had it in the back of my mind that that was the goal - I simply put that on the backshelp of priorities at the moment.

Make sure you start eating better and make sure you start exercising better and never stop improving. Its a slow process that can take years. Accept that, embrace that and rewire your brain that this is a lifelong change, not just an immediate one.

Exercise: This is the second most important part. The best routine is the one you can stick to. Think about that. If lifting weights and making myself feel the pump wouldnt be at least somewhat fun to me, I would never stick to it. Its ok to not be into what you are doing in the gym. But I promise there are thousands of options to try and what will work for you might be something completely different. Find out what you enjoy doing instead of forcing yourself to follow a direction you simply can't get behind. Sometimes that simply means switching some exercises.
@childofthealmighty I would also give you one advice about nutrition.

I was in severe kcal deficit when I was losing weight. It worked (I lost 30kg in 10 months) but in the same time I lost gym motivation because I wasn't able to lift not only more but same weight as on previous training.

Now, I'm eating about 50% more, with lot of protein. Not only I'm keeping weight stable I have more strength, power and energy.

Maybe check in that area. Perhaps you need to think over your diet.